Published Oct 19, 2008
77 Posts
Is there a list that shows what states are ok with EC as well as any other relevent information concerning each state?
We are a military family and knowing what states have EC obstacles would be good to know before I jump in the water.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Kate, there's a sticky on top. Browse through them because I'm not sure which it is, but it has been addressed.
akanini, MSN, RN
1,525 Posts
Excelsior....not too sure what's going on with GA right now.
Effective September 1, 2004: Excelsior College will no longer accept CMAs or Surgical Techs into the nursing program.
Effective September 3, 2003, the Basic and Intermediate EMT certification will not meet Excelsior College's admission requirements. After that date, you must hold a Paramedic level certification in order to be admitted.
Effective Immediately: Non-RNs are no longer accepted into the Excelsior BSN program. A student must be an RN to enroll in the BSN program.
State Board Additional Requirements for Excelsior College
Canada Nurses: Only LPN's qualify for the Excelsior College program if they reside in Canada.
Alabama State Board evaluates Excelsior graduates on a case by case basis. Since 2000, any graduates with significant hours of RN experience may apply for endorsement and possibly be accepted for endorsement by the Alabama State Board. Contact the state board for details.
Excelsior students will have to complete 120 hour precepted experience set up by Excelsior College, after finishing the associate nursing degree requirements. Then they may apply for the NCLEX-RN. Students may endorse into the state with 960 RN hours. (9/2006)
All Excelsior ADN graduates who enrolled on or after December 6, 2003, may apply for endorsement with an unencumbered RN license and will be considered by the California Board of Nursing on a case by case basis. Contact the state board for details.
Colorado ASN Graduates sitting for boards: Anyone registered before January 1, 2006 will be grandfathered in with no changes to them as long as they keep their registration with Excelsior active by paying the applicable maintenance fee each year. Those who complete an Associate Degree and are not LPNs will need 750 additional clinical hours. Those who complete an Associate Degree and are LPNs will need 350 additional clinical hours. The state of CO is currently working on a plan to make those additional clinical hours available. (9/2005)
Florida State Board accepts all LPNs. Non-LPNs doing the RN program through Excelsior College can still endorse into Florida, however the State Board will now require 2 years of RN experience outside the state of Florida.
Georgia State Board only accept Excelsior College graduates through reciprocity.
All graduates must endorse in with 2 years of RN experience.
Kansas Residents: Check with the Kansas State Board of Nursing about additional clinical hours needed.
This board is requiring that all graduates of all nursing schools do a 120 hour preceptorship upon completion of the nursing program.
LPNs or graduates with 50% traditional nursing school clinical hours who complete the Excelsior College nursing program may apply for the RN examination. All non-LPN graduates must endorse in with 6 months RN experience.
All graduates enrolled on or before July 24, 2006 and graduate before December 31, 2007 will be eligible to apply for the RN examination or endorsement. Contact the state board for details.
North Dakota
All graduates may endorse in with 400 hours of RN experience
For initial licensure, students are required to pass two 30-hour precepted experiences in Psych and OB administered by Excelsior College before graduation.
Vermont Residents and Excelsior College: You will need to take your state boards outside the state of Vermont and work 480 clinical hours (roughly 12 weeks) before you can transfer your RN licensure into the state of Vermont. (11/2006)
Effective May, 2008: Virginia Board of Nursing has passed a new regulation that says anyone not enrolled with Excelsior College by April 2 of 2008 will not be allowed to sit for state boards. Those who were enrolled as of April 2, 2008, will have to complete their degree by December 31, 2009.
Only LPNs with 200 hour precepted experience set up through a Washington Nursing Commission approved facility may apply for examination. Graduates who were originally LPNs may endorse in with minimum 200 hours RN experience. All non-LPN graduates with RN experience may be denied endorsement and will have to appeal any denial.
2,040 Posts
Wisconsin is ok with accepting EC grads.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
I believe akanini got that list here, if anyone wants to bookmark it; with the exception of Georgia, I think it's pretty accurate:
Yes, I got it from there and forgot to put the source. I meant to do that. Thanks, Lunah!
Thanks for all the replies :)