College of the Mainland ADN Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello, just wanted to create a thread for everyone applying to COM's Fall 2018 ADN program. I stop by the school today and met with a Nursing Advisor, we went over the requirements needed (more like a one on one orientation). The link to apply to the program just showed up on my WebAdvisor. Good luck everyone

hi everyone! my name is mariana and im currently in my 2nd semester of the nursing program at COM. If you have questions feel free to let me know.

You are welcome..I applied to three schools just in case. One has to accept me before I loose my mind.í ½í¸‚í ½í¸‚. I think we would find out if we were accepted btw May and June..

You are welcome..I applied to 3 schools just in case.. I'm hoping at least one would accept me. If I dnt get in, I might loose my mind..

How is it? Do they give the students study guides?


Thanks for making this thread! What are some of your scores? Mine is 458 and you can get up to a 480. A little nervous, but we shall see!

Scores? How and where?

The nursing advisor gave me my points when I went up there to talk to her.

Did you have to ask her for your score? When I went in, she only gave me my gpa, not score.

@nurse2021 Pls throw more light..if you do not mind me asking, what was your GPA and grades( pre reqs)

The first time she didn't give me my points, but the second time I went up there I was trying to figure out if I should retake a class or not then she told me my points. I have a 3.8 GPA. 3 A's and a B in Psychology.

Hi Mariana I am applying for the Fall Semester for ADN at COM, however I work full time and also have 2 kids at home. I was wondering if you can give me ideas of what the schedule is like i.e how heavy is the workload and how often do you have to be in school. When I met the Nursing adviser all she said was it would be a Monday to Friday 8-5 schedule. How many classes do you have and is it possible to go home in between classes (I live at League City btw)?

Above message was for @mcd_.. didn't realize I can't reply directly to her post. But if anyone has any idea on what the schedule is like, pls feel free to share with us.. Thanks a lot!

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