College of the Mainland ADN Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello, just wanted to create a thread for everyone applying to COM's Fall 2018 ADN program. I stop by the school today and met with a Nursing Advisor, we went over the requirements needed (more like a one on one orientation). The link to apply to the program just showed up on my WebAdvisor. Good luck everyone

@nurse2021, I get it now. My GPA is 4.0, All As' I'm assuming that would put me at 460 or so. DO you have a bachelors degree or an associate ?

I have a bachelors.

@Nurse2021, I have a Bachelors too. 480 it is then. If we get 20 points for having one.

Hi there! I'm glad I found this thread. Thank you for creating it. :)

Hi Kai_angela, the schedule, if it's the same as mine and my husband's (he is 1st level now), it would be class Thursday and Friday. Then the 3rd day will be your clinical day. Clinical rotations for 1st level students didn't start until late i the semester. My husband barely started his on March.

As for going back and forth to your house, it depends on the classes you pick. You will have intro to nursing, there's only one time offered for it. The other two classes are health assessment and skills, depending on how they set it up this semester, you will be able to choose at which time you want to take either skills or health assessment (depends on the day they schedule either one). For example, I had into to nursing and health assessment on Thursday. On friday i had skills, and i picked the morning class instead of the afternoon. Hope that kind of helps!

Hi ,

I m new to this . I m applying for the part time nursing program .

Can somebody tell me how the point system work ? I did not have to take the TSI neither ..

Is someone applying for the part time ?

Hello everyone. Thanks for creating this thread, I'm glad to be here. I recently applied for the ADN part time. Transcript sent and evaluated so I'm waiting to scedule an advising session. I'm currently rounding up with my last prereqs which is A&P 2. I'm hoping this doesn't hinder me from getting in this fall. Also does anyone know if u get points for having a cert in the medical field? I ask because it says on the website. I wish everyone goodluck.

Also what does fulfilling nursing testing requirements stand for? Is it an actual test?

Hello everyone Thank you for creating this Thread. I Also apply for the fall 2018 ADN program. Is any of you know how they calculate the points

hi , please how do you calculate your points and what is the likely cut off for the fall program. does anyone know how many days a week we attend lectures and what is the duration of each lecture

Hi all, does anyone know what the average score points for previous Fall semester admittance are?

Thanks for this info. May I please ask, basically, about what time do you leave the school if you sign up for morning classes and how is the workload? Thanks

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