CNA from provider works for two patients in same family and shares information


My father had a CNA provided by a home health care agency, who began also working for my aunt. She would leave my parents house and go to my aunts and tell my aunt details of my dads condition, as well as offer her personal opinion on life at my parents home, etc. My dad has now died, but the CNA continues to work for my aunt. She told my aunt details of my fathers final moments before his death, and also distorted the truth. My aunt is quite weathly and she has borrowed money from her and also offered to do work on the side in exchange for furniture, since my aunt and uncle are soon downsizing. There is much more to this story, but I am so offended by her actions that I want to report her. She convinced my mother to gift her things she liked around the house and now she's moving in on my aunt. If I report her, will it do any good? She is employed as a CNA by a large agency in my city. The worst for me is her sharing private details about my father. I am so very upset by this.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Ethics violation as well as HIPAA

Yes! REPORT THIS VULTURE! Nothing infuriates me like health care workers preying on vulnerable patients. If you aren't satisfied by the response from the agency, contact your state dept of health accrediting agencies, whoever you can. I'm sure others here on AN can tell you who to contact. Please keep us updated! This behave is absolutely reprehensible. She is one of the reasons home health professionals may have a bad reputation.

I so sorry you have to deal with this, but please follow up. She must be stopped. Think of all the others she may victimize.

Yes. I do really want to report this CNA. Not sure if it is my place as the daughter or my mother should report her behavior to the agency. But I am definitely going to let Interim know. I will keep an update on the forum. And I welcome any suggestions on how to go about this. Thanks.

Specializes in Long term care.

Yes, report her. You can be the one to do it. It would be helpful if your mother can do it also.

The state (and the agency) will do an investigation.

If she accepted gifts from your mother, (whether she convinced her to give them to her or otherwise)I am certain there is a policy at the agency she works for against accepting gifts of any value from clients. This alone can get her fired.

What happened OP?

I called the home health care agency on Tuesday, May 10, and told the girl answering the phone the situation. She said the director was not there but directed me to her voice mail where I left a message. As of Thursday, my mother had not heard back. I felt a little relief after finally reporting our grievances, however I'm not feeling very confident about the agency following up with us. My mother thinks nothing will be done.

This has made me feel physically sick.

Btw, I decided to focus solely on the CNA's sharing my fathers health information. I didn't mention her asking mom for things and borrowing money from my aunt and asking to work outside the agency time in exchange for furniture.

I figured it was best to keep it less complicated.

Specializes in Cardiothoracic, Peds CVICU.

You can directly report her to the state. In California, the cna would be reported to the department of health. Sorry this is happening to you OP. Good luck!

As of Friday, May 13, no return call from the agency director.

Still no return call from home health care agency as of June 15.

OP as others have mentioned you can also report this to the state. Especially since it has been a month since you had contacted the agency about this. The department that would handle greviances would depend on the state, but if you contact your states licensing board they should be able to direct you to who you would need to talk to. So sorry that this has happened to your family.

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