Published Dec 6, 2005
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
Do you give these meds or hold them and why?
Yes, you may call the doc, but at least take a guess as to what the doc will order.
Tell us what you decide--give or hold--and say why. Then add one or two meds of your own.
(If you have issues with someone else's answers, you may "CHALLENGE" but be prepared to back your answers up with evidence!)
Here are two to get you started. They don't necessarily go to the same patient. Assume the patients are alert & oriented X3, unless otherwise stated.
Don't forget to give the critical information necessary to make a decision.
1. Rhythmol 150 mg po. HR = 55, Rhythm = Sinus Brady with a 1st degree AV Block, BP 120/60.
2. Clonidine 0.2 mg po. HR 34-42. Rhythm SB with a BBB. BP 143/68.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
I fold. I'm out of this hand. Since working LTC I'm way over my head. I will sit back and watch and learn. :wink2:
ckh23, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
Hold the rythmol b/c its contraindicated in pt's with bradycardia and AV blocks with no pacemakers
I would hold the clonidine and get a blood level, the bradycardia can be a sign of clonidine overdose
8 Posts
I agree with ckh23 you must hold both medications.Clonidine is a central acting hypertensive meds so giving it to patient with BP of 143/68 will not be advisable as diastolic is low.
182 Posts
in case1- if the patients VS have been hr in 50's for the last few shifts, and they have been getting the rhythmol, i would give it. that may be a bit of brady side effect. if it were a new order i would find out what it was being precribed for and clarify the order.
in case 2 i would hold the clonidine. clonidine lowers hr and bp. i would call the physician and ask if the wouldnt be more comfortable with apresoline since the will lower bp and can increase hr.
Great! Any of you want to volunteer a new one?
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
40 y/o Type I DM with 24 hr hx n/v/low grade elevation
B/P: 95/60 ... Pulse: 130 ... RR: 32 .. temp: 100.0 F
Blood glucose: 580
ABG's-- pH:7.00 ... Po2: 115 ...Pco2: 18 .... bicarb: 4
Give Insulin and/or give NaHC03 stat? .. Hold bicarb? .. Hold insulin?
OK, just guessing here....
I'd want to give both Bicarb and Insulin because the pH of 7.0 indicates life-threatening acidosis?????
OK, just guessing here....I'd want to give both Bicarb and Insulin because the pH of 7.0 indicates life-threatening acidosis?????
Anything else to consider?
266 Posts
Is the pt getting a scheduled dose of insulin, or is it a sliding scale dose? Is he already on fluids?
What about a UA? Could be the start of UTI.
Pt. just presented to ER. IV started NS.