Published Sep 18, 2015
20 Posts
I live in the dorm at a small nursing school and we have our first test today. I've been studying since the first day we got the material and have done a bunch of practice questions, read the book,made flash cards, etc. there are four girls on my floor that have been bullies about this test. They got the upperclassmen to help them because they knew them before hand and have been studying every hour of every day, pretty much rewriting the book. They have said multiple times to me it seems I barely studied and now I can hear them two hours before our test studying outside my door. Now I feel super underprepared, but cramming before the test won't help. I can't deal with this every test, but they make me feel like I'm barely doing anything compared to them and they also do not let me study with them. Please help
cracklingkraken, ASN, RN
1,855 Posts
Focus on yourself and your own studying. Eventually, they'll come across a class where the professor is different or the test answers are completely changed, and they won't be able to rely on past students' work.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I dislike the word "bully" very much. It implies that the other person(s) are in a position of power & able to use this influence upon you to worsen your situation. They are classmates. They don't have any power or influence on you unless you volunteer to become their victim.
Successful learning - in any venue - is the result of individual effort. While it may be helpful for you to work with others, the end result is all you. The last thing you need is to become the designated "brain" for classmates that turn out to be stage 4 clingers... expecting you to share notes, 'help' them write papers, coach them through skills lab, etc. Don't give them any head space.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
1. Tune your pushy classmates out.
2. If they study 'outside your door,' remove yourself from the situation by studying at the library or coffee house.
3. You do not need to study with your classmates. During my time in nursing school, I studied with no one.
Jensmom7, BSN, RN
1,907 Posts
And this is one reason I kept space between myself and my classmates. Most of them gave me the flux, and a few were truly unpleasant to be around. I knew them in class and clinicals, but didn't socialize with them and definitely avoided study groups.
Most of my friends had nothing to do with the medical field-I didn't even hang out with med students. My roommate and my one other nursing student friend were a year ahead of me, so they were ok.
50 Posts
Don't let them make you feel intimidated. Everyone learns differently and at different paces. I learned a LONG time ago that I cannot compare my academic self to that of others. As long as you are doing your very, very best to learn and properly grasp the material, everyone else is irrelevant to your success.
Good luck!
4,547 Posts
Why are you worried what others think? Honestly, why?
Everyone learns and studies in a different way. Some people need hours to do what others can do in minutes. Some do better in groups while others do better individually.
No one can assess your retention of classroom materials except you, and you shouldn't need us to tell you that. Worry about you.
(And this isn't bullying.)