Citrus College LVN Program (Introduction to Health Occupations Prerequisite)

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


Before I entered this program there was little to no information on this site for the Citrus College (Glendora, CA) LVN program so I will take it upon myself to give as much information as possible now that I'm enrolled. Hopefully someone in my shoes about six months ago will be able to use this thread as a reference.

First off, this program is highly competitive. The first step to get accepted into the LVN program at Citrus College is to take NRS 100, also known as Intro to Health Occupations for one semester. This is a two-part class which runs two days a week (for example, I go on Thursdays and Fridays), and is usually about 3 hours long per class. The first day usually consists of Pharmacology and the second is Anatomy and Physiology (so on Thursday I get lectured on Pharmacology and Friday I get lectured on A&P). You get quizzed twice a week, every week, at the beginning of each class. At the end of the semester you take your finals which you must pass with an 85% or better.

Out of the 250 students that take this class each semester only the top 40 are accepted into the actual LVN program.

For the past couple of years the cut off for the top 40 has been a 95% overall score, meaning you need to maintain an A throughout the entire semester in this particular class to get into the LVN program. If you don't make it in your first try, you get one more try before you are barred from the program. As I said, it's highly competitive. This is an extremely difficult class as well just because of the sheer amount of information you need to retain weekly. Remember, you're not taking one class, but two classes - Pharmacology and A&P. Unfortunately they don't tell you where you stand as the class is going on, only your grade, so that leads to quite a bit of mental torment during this three to four month period.

As it stands, I'm currently enrolled in NRS 100 and have been maintaining a decent grade (92%). We're only in the first couple weeks so lower scores are expected as the students adjust to the class. An 80% is roughly average for this adjustment period.

Unfortunately this is where my knowledge on the program pretty much ends but I will be updating this thread as my journey through this program continues. If anyone wants, feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to answer your questions and update the first post as much as possible. My goal is to provide information since I couldn't find any information on this particular program and that alone is intimidating.

I'm studying roughly 3 hours a day, sometimes more just to feel "comfortable" with the concepts, hopefully this leads to me getting accepted into the program. Only time will tell. I am confident, however, that even if I don't make it this semester, I will be armed with the knowledge and have an advantage next semester.

Wish me luck.

Congrats Fishie on making it in!!!:) My daugther and I, are both in the Nursing 100 course this semester and would WELCOME any tips/advice that you can offer us. Right now, we are both in great standing but our last math test kinda threw us for a loop:eek:!!! We have a lot of questions just like the other person on this site and would like any input you can offer us. I hope you will be able to find some time to respond, as I know you're extremely busy. However, I do have 1 burning question: is it true that certain instructors guide their students on what/how to study for these quizzes? I hope that just rumor and not true-------as I can't see the honor in that if it isn't made available to everyone.

Thanks in advance for any HELP!

Jazyb4me2 future Nurse!:nurse:

Hey jazzyb4me2, that's so weird, lol. We've got two students in the LVN freshmen who are mother and daughter too.

Really quick, I'm pretty sure everyone or almost everyone has a quiz (or two, or three, or four...) which throws them for a loop.

I can say that my professor DID tell us some of what to study for and what not to instead of just throwing the whole chapter at us and having us guess what is for the test and what isn't. I'll also say that this particular instructor was always updating the other NRS100 professors regarding what she taught our class, if someone in our class brought up a good point or something.

For anyone reading this thread who's thinking about entering NRS 100 next time it's offered: GET INTO MRS. FERNANDEZ'S CLASS. I absolutely CANNOT stress this enough. She is AMAZING. She will tell you the reality of it, she'll challenge you, but she won't go into the BS of intimidating you for the sake of intimidating you, AND she's encouraging when she knows you really, really need it. I actually miss her a lot, although there are plenty of wonderful people in the LVN class too. She's one of the most practical, intelligent, compassionate people I've met, and she wants you to succeed as a nurse whether or not Citrus LVN is for you.

I have a lot of studying to do (it's last day for skills check-offs tomorrow + three quizzes) so I guess I overestimated the hours in a day and I won't be able to type up anything concrete until Fri night or the weekend. Just lemme say that there's a lady who got through NRS100 AND the LVN program while working full-time who has some of the best advice out there:

Take it one day at a time.

Focus on what's coming up, don't worry about finals FOR NOW, don't worry about a few missed questions. Just take note of what you missed and know that you've gotta focus on that next time around. For example, when I missed a question because I spelled the term wrong, then I knew I gotta pay more attention to that. Numeric ranges are my weakness, so I know I've gotta review those. Otherwise? Relax. It's over. Focus on what's coming up next and KEEP GOING! A couple people asked me about finals through e-mail. Believe me, if you FOCUS on understanding the material right now, finals review will be MUCH easier! I was moving during finals and had almost no sleep, and I still got a 100 on A&P and a 98 on pharm, so it isn't crazy difficult AT ALL. If you focus on the here and now, you're developing an excellent foundation for finals. Please trust me on that.

It's not over 'till it's over! People who SWORE they wouldn't get in, did. People who were convinced they would get in, who had experience in the medical field or had taken the course before, didn't. One of my classmates is an older lady who was convinced that since she was older, she wouldn't make it. I have NO science background! I worked as an artist before this, lol! We've got single mothers, teenagers, people experiencing tough times, and they made it! So just do your best! I know you guys are doing a lot of hard work and it's AMAZING to get great scores twice a week on some really hard subjects. So be proud of yourselves! Don't forget to take pride in your good work, don't freak out too much over some things you've missed, and DON'T worry too much! Stressing is what makes people miss questions. The more stressed out we got, it seemed like the more stuff we missed. So be kind to yourselves!

I'll talk to you all later! :) As a fellow Citrus student in the same craziness, I'm proud of you all! :) :) :)

Thanks Fishie, for responding back to me so quickly! I appreciate the words of wisdom because we were not as relaxed today when we took our 2nd Pharm quiz and made some careless mistakes. From now on, I will try to keep a balance about things and relax when taking test (it's hard) but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon. Unfortunately, I wasn't as able to get Ms. Fernandez as an instructor (as we're new to all of this) but I'm going to remain positive and do my best to succeed. It's nice though, when instructors encourage you instead of being pessimistic about the odds of getting in-------but I've learned to encourage myself:p! Me and my daughter keep each other pumped up despite our setbacks and that works.

Thanks again for taking the time to share despite your heavy load and wish you continued success in the program. If you don't mind, I would like to keep in contact to share my progress and celebrate your success!:yeah:


hey guys,!

That's very encouraging of you fishie to give some of us some hope and to keep pushing forward. I'm actually taking the nrs class right now too and I have professor fernandez. You are right!, she is a GREAT professor, shes always encouraging her students to do well, what to study for / what not do study for, she would give us hints and tips and she would take time to answer everyones questions regarding medical field...etc out of all the professors ive had at mtsac and even in high school I think ms fernandez is an amazing teacher/person.

Hi jazy, I hope you and your daugther is doing well in the class! we are about Halfway through the semester and I'm also getting worried about my standing since there are a lot of students in my class are doing well. One advise i can give you that helped me alot is dont try to memorize but read it and understand it, not just once but 2,3,4,5x until you are able to explain it to another person. also, always double, triple check your answers on your exam before turning it in bc many students gets careless and miss couple points. hope to keep in touch! =)

Dont forget about Chaffey Vn too. I am supposed to graduate December 17th 2010. I also got into the program the first time I applied. Let me know if you have any questions :)

Hi, what are the requirements for chaffey vn?

Hi Narditorino,

I wish you well on getting into the VN program. I heard a lot of good things about Ms. Fernandez :rolleyes: (as a matter of fact, she taught our class today) and know you'll be successful having her. I'm doing well thus far and hope to continue doing so. I've also applied to PCC's VN program and I'm waiting on their decision.

Yes, we are at the half way mark of this class and I've noticed that our class has thinned out quite a bit. Every now and then, I'll check wingspan to see how many students are still maintaining and there's been some drops in all sections. Anyway, I'll keep giving this my best shot and will hope for the best:lol2:--------------I wish you much success as well!:yeah:


Pre-Req's for Chaffey VN are CNA, Anatomy (without lab) is the minimum, Math 401 (dosage and calculations), NURVN 201 (introduction into nursing) They dont require English (though I did my pre-reqs at another school and did my English) Chaffey is amazing, curriculum is tough, teachers are amazing and tough, and our facility is state of the art. We have more state of the art stuff then the ADN program does. Just let me know if you have more questions!!!

Thanks futurenurse47! If I remember right, we took the final on Monday and got the results on Blackboard around Wednesday or Thursday. They work really hard to get it up as soon as possible.

I have loads of tips and info that might help you out that I gained myself and heard from the other students in the program, both freshmen, senior, and the professors, so if you're interested, I can type it up for you on Thursday when I get an off day. Let me know. :)

Back to studying, lol.

I'd like to know some more updates !!! How did u do? Please give me some more insight. There aren't very many people willing to help nowadays and especially not many as knowledgeable as you since you've experienced this all first hand! Please email me. Thanks.

I just finished taking the NRS100 class at Citrus College, and I made it into the LVN program. I start Aug 30th...super excited. I just wanted to leave a few tips and pretty much tell it like it is. I went into this program knowing that only 40 people would make it in. Knowing that, I put my mind in a competitive mode, and went for it. I noticed the first post talked about trying to maintain a 95 percent throughout the course..well truth is, that wont cut it. You have to go in everyday, trying for a 100 percent on everything. That is what I did...I studied until I felt that I could walk into class and walk out with a 100 percent..which I got many of those actually, but not all. Studying 3 hours a day wont cut it either. I remember days where I woke up, studied, ate, studied, ate again, studied more, and closed my books before bedtime. What helped me the most in this class, is remembering WHY I wanted this, WHY I wanted to be a nurse so bad. It kept me motivated. Also when I studied, for instance, learning the Urinary System, dont try to memorize everything. Try to understand how it works, and understand it so well, that you can explain it to someone else. I did that with every system. I also recommend going online and looking up videos of how systems work. I am a visual person, so doing that really helped me understand and remember. The tests are not that difficult at all, it is scratching only the surface of Anatomy and Physiology, so putting in the study time, you can master it. The math is somewhat harder, but if you learn it not to just pass it, but because you understand that being a nurse means knowing this math almost perfectly can decided whether one of your patients live or die, then you will do good. Every test I took, especially the communication exercises, which there are 2....I tried to think like a nurse....that helped. Just remember to shoot for number 1...I maintained a 97 percent throughout the entire course, but my final dropped me into the 96 percentile, so I was lucky to get in. I know someone who got in the 95's and did NOT make it, so just study. Remember what motivates you and dont slack off, even for one day. I remember going to a Dodger game before one of my tests, and I knew I didnt know the material completely, but I went to the game anyways. I did bad on my test, it was my worst test. It could have messed me up, luckily it didnt. I should have just stayed home that night and studied. Make the right choices, if this is something you truly want. If it is, making the top 40 will be a piece of cake. Oh and I always went into class in a good mood, even if I was a little nervous, I would chat with my friends for a few, laugh a little, and the nerves were good and calm come test time. Being calm can make a huge difference on how well you do on your test. You may know the material, but being nervous can make your brain go blank, so try to take a deep breath, and just smile. It helps... OH AND BIGGEST TIP I CAN GIVE...TAKE MRS. FERNANDEZ, SHE IS THE BEST INSTRUCTOR THERE TEACHING THIS CLASS. NOT ONLY IS SHE THE BEST INSTRUCTOR, BUT I AM SURE SHE IS A TOP NOTCH NURSE AS WELL. I LOVED HER, AND AM SURE MANY STUDENTS FROM HER CLASS MADE THE TOP 40. =) GOOD LUCK GUYS...

Thanks Fishie, for responding back to me so quickly! I appreciate the words of wisdom because we were not as relaxed today when we took our 2nd Pharm quiz and made some careless mistakes. From now on, I will try to keep a balance about things and relax when taking test (it's hard) but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon. Unfortunately, I wasn't as able to get Ms. Fernandez as an instructor (as we're new to all of this) but I'm going to remain positive and do my best to succeed. It's nice though, when instructors encourage you instead of being pessimistic about the odds of getting in-------but I've learned to encourage myself:p! Me and my daughter keep each other pumped up despite our setbacks and that works.

Thanks again for taking the time to share despite your heavy load and wish you continued success in the program. If you don't mind, I would like to keep in contact to share my progress and celebrate your success!:yeah:


Did u and your daughter make the top 40?

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