Citrus College ADN Fall 2012

U.S.A. California


Hello everyone!

I applied to my home college's nursing program. I applied to a few BSN programs and other CCs. Since I can't get into any BSN programs I figure my top choice ADN program could have some consideration on me.

Anyone besides me waiting to hear from Citrus?

I am thinking we should hear sometime in May, hopefully early May

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

That is weird. i have 19 points (give or take) and i haven't gotten rejected yet. i know i must be but seriously they are taking forever!

oh well i hope you get in somewhere! i think your chances of LA county is high.

thanks! you too! I just hope we hear something soon, that way we can breathe easy come summertime.

Hi everyone, I also applied to Citrus College in February but haven't received any response letter. I applied for the LVN-ADN program. I got into Rio Hondo's program so if in case I was lucky enough to get into Citrus's program, I will be declining it. Hope to give an alternate some hope here ;) Good luck to everyone!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.
yeah i got rejected, i had 19 points, so i knew i wouldn't get in at CSULA. Just called Citrus, and they said we still have another week to get a response. I also applied to PCC and LA County school of nursing. I have 84/92 points at LA County, i don't know how competitive that is compared to others, though a friend got in with 83 points in 2009. I heard PCC is lottery based, then its just luck of the draw if i get in there.

i just got my rejection letter as well :(

Sorry to hear that :( I'm sure you'll get in to another program. Best of luck!

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

I know. My friend went from alternate to accepted today from Citrus. I am really hoping for CSUSB. Fingers crossed!

well its a no go at Citrus, got my rejection today :( But keeping my fingers crossed for LA County and PCC. Good luck to everyone else.

Yup, unfortunately got my rejection to Citrus today as well. When I called earlier she said they had over 300 applicants for 24 spots, so I kind of assumed it wouldn't be an acceptance. Thankfully I got into 2 other schools in san diego so it's not too much of a bummer. Still waiting on PCC though. Good luck to everyone else out there!

do you know when PCC will send us letters?

Specializes in Med-Surg/DOU/Ortho/Onc/Rehab/ER/.

Oh wow. Sorry guys. Were you guys alternates or no?

PCC tends to be very late when sending out letters. I applied there last spring and in addition to the 12 weeks, letters were late an additional month. I ended up getting rejected due to it being lottery. If its over the 12 week mark, I would call PCC and see whats up.

i was an alternate for Citrus, but i doubt i'll wind up getting in, but thanks for the PPC info Dark.

I wasn't even an alternate for citrus. :( Yah, thanks for the PCC info as well.

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