Chronic Procrastinators' Thread


I'm convinced that I have chronic procrastination. It's probably the reason, the root of all my other learning symptoms (self-diagnosed ADD, nervous wreck in presentations). I don't know what it is... when I plan to do all my homework for all my pre-reqs, it's all fine & dandy but when it comes to the day that they have to be done, I freeze & loose the will to do it & then I do it the night before they're due. The panic effect is almost too intoxicating. Anyone else a chronic procrastinator?

Specializes in Pain Management.

I'm a procrastinator if I am allowed to be.

The cure for me is to have a schedule or classes that kicks my orifice. If the load starts to lighten, I enjoy the reprieve, but then kick it up a notch again, even if my load doesn't get heavier.

This quarter, I started by taking human physiology very seriously. After the first test and lab quizes, I realized that it wasn't going to be a difficult class. But in order to keep my effort up, I reminded myself that a deeper level of understanding of the material is more important than what the class required.

Actually that mentality of getting your orifice handed to you in order to bring you back to reality works on many issues.

Hi, I know exactly how you feel. At times I wonder how I got through college too. What I find is that sometimes procrastination has more to due with underlying issues such as depression or other types of mild to severe apathy. I have suffered from this for most of my life. What works for me is a constant effort to tell yourself that "this must be done my life depends on it" I know it sounds extreme but procrastinators always think they can do it tommorow....and then it goes on and on for days and months. Lists work but they are just that "lists" you need something that can literally push your drive. Have someone in your life make you accountable for your short term goals such as your best friend. They can really help just by asking "Did you finish your ------?" That alone can cause you to Change due to the repeated embarrassment. It helped me all the way Thru nursing school. Nursing believe it or not is a perfect career for us because you cannot put off anything it trains you to address the issue at hand. That in turn will start to discipline you for the rest of you life... Just a little advice from an ex pro-procrastinator.

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