Chemistry has been my hardest prereq!


Ugh, my chemistry final is on Monday and I need a 96 on it to make an A.

I don't know why principles of chemistry has to be so difficult? I've made As in all my other sciences.. A&P I and II, Bio, Micro.

I'd say it has to do a lot with my professor seeing as though the majority of my class fails her quizzes and tests. I'm usually an A student but I've had to work my tail off for this class.

Our tests have MC that count for 4 points a piece and then some write out problem ones worth up to 10 points! So if you don't understand one concept out of three chapters, you're automatically at the B range.

Anyone else think chemistry was the hardest prerequisite? I can't no wait until Monday is over so I can be completely done with it!!

It's my last science before nursing school!! :)

I took Survey of Chemistry. In Chem I, I barely passed with an A. I had a 90.2. Chem II was much easier (or maybe I found better study habits..) I passed with like a 97.something. While it was hard, it wasn't the hardest for me. Shockingly, my hardest pre-req has been history :banghead:. Made a B in US History, & unless I get a 101 on my World History final, I'll have a B in there as well. I don't know why it's so hard for me. I study so much but still can't get past a B. I've pretty much accepted my B thus far. Ready to get this final over with!

But as far as science pre-reqs I still have to take A&P II & Micro, then I'll be done!

A&P I has been more difficult for me than chemistry was, and I took chem in a summer course. I think the professor makes a HUGE difference in the science classes. My chemistry professor was very generous with partial credit and if your math was a bit off he would still give you points for knowing the formula and applying it properly. My A&P professor, I think, likes to trip us up more and throws at least a couple of curveballs on each exam/quiz. Good luck on your final!

Yes oh my chem was crazy difficult for me I hated it! I took it in my last semester before nursing and I reslly wish I had taken it before everything else because it finally made me understand diffusion and ions and electrolytes and all sorts of crazy stuff that really I barely skimmed by with in a&p.

Specializes in ICU.

Chemistry was my hardest prereq so far also. I ended up a C in it but surprisingly I retained the most info from that class.

I am so glad I did not have to take it. I would have lost what is left of my mind probably.

A&P I has been more difficult for me than chemistry was, and I took chem in a summer course. I think the professor makes a HUGE difference in the science classes. My chemistry professor was very generous with partial credit and if your math was a bit off he would still give you points for knowing the formula and applying it properly. My A&P professor, I think, likes to trip us up more and throws at least a couple of curveballs on each exam/quiz. Good luck on your final!

Yeah, I the professor makes such a HUGE difference! Thanks! I ended with a B but I'm still pretty happy with that... considering a lot of students failed:/ My teacher was so tough and not very helpful.

I am so glad I did not have to take it. I would have lost what is left of my mind probably.

Lucky! Lol, it is awful!

Without a doubt, Chemistry was the most difficult prerequisite I had to take. Some programs in my area require a full year of Chemistry, so that is what I did. I may have nightmares for the rest of my life! I got an A the first term, a hard-fought B my second term (o-chem...shudder), and an A in the third term. I liked my professor, but I've never before been so happy to say, "Goodbye for forever!"

Love chemistry. Chemistry in HS is what made me decide I want to ultimately get into Anesthesia. I pulled a B- in lecture, but only because I was lazy here and there and didn't study as much as I should have, and I completely didn't care about the final (it was standardized. Hate standardized tests).

Anatomy was more difficult for me since that's literally just sitting around forcing yourself to memorize things. I like that you can work through Chemistry. I think one thing that helps ease a class' difficulty level is enjoyment for the subject as well. I hated Biology, so I pulled C's in both of those.

What kind of math do you get in chemistry?

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