Chemeketa Community College Nursing Program 2015

U.S.A. Oregon


Hey! I thought I would start a thread for those who applied for Chemeketa's program this year in hopes to begin Fall 2015. I just did my essay yesterday afternoon :) I know it's rare to get in your first try, and I would need full points on my essay to even have a chance, but it would still be neat to keep in touch with some others who have also applied! Good luck everyone! I would love to hear from you!

Well 358 did not get me in... I am alternate #8 so looks like I will be applying next year. Sad day í ½í¸¢

When did you guys received your emails? I have a 358 and have not heard anything yet...I'm a bit nervous. I would be happy to be chosen as Alternate #8! Last year they used 17 of the 20 alternates - which I have confirmed. I wonder if lots of people got 50/50 and they had to randomly choose out of the 48/50 essay pool.

Sorry to be nosey, but when exactly did you receive your emails and what was your total scores?

Did everyone get emails? I have nothing.

I haven't received anything either and neither has my friend. We both have a 358, so I don't know if that's good or bad. What is your score adbibium?

I haven't received an email.. I have a 358 as well. I think there must have been a bunch of people with the extra 5 points this year.

Have you gotten an email yet Kalesmommy? I have the same score as you and I haven't heard anything yet.

I got a 358 also. I have also not received an email! :/

I checked on that. There are only 3 people who could have additional points. They used 17 of the 20 alternates from last year.

Oh, then everyone must have gotten perfect scores..

360. Just triple-checked email, still nothing :(

I don't think you should worry, you have a perfect score!

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