Changes in Nursing

Nurses General Nursing


If you could change one thing about nursing what would it be?:balloons:

I second what everyone else has said -

And also: Strong nurse-managers and CNO's that advocate for nurses instead of trying to please the higher-ups and make themselves look good. An end to lipservice about Magnet Status.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

I'd get rid of the notion that nurses can be cursed at, spit on, and hit/bit/slugged/slapped/shoved with impugnity.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
I'd get rid of the notion that nurses can be cursed at, spit on, and hit/bit/slugged/slapped/shoved with impugnity.

I will say that the one positive thing with that is that it's been good for my reflexes at least.

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