CFCC ADN 2015 applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys!

anyone on here applying this semester for the 2015 nursing program at cape fear community college? I'm curious as to what the general number of points everyone will end up with for courses. Good luck and I hope to hear from someone !

That's a great idea!! That way we'd be able to actually figure out who everyone is before we get to orientation

Alright you should be able to find it.

Is it private? Can't find it... What's the title?

I just made it public...try CFCC ADN 2017.

If you can't find can send me your names and I will add you guys.

I have to add you as a friend in order to add you to the group from what I can tell (unless I'm doing something wrong) so I'll send you a friend request and then add you.

Nevermind I figured it out! Here is the link....

I swear I'm brighter than I seem lol

Good idea on the facebook group. Things like that tend to motivate and provide extra access to help and support. If nursing school is as time consuming and stressful as I hear it is, we will need it!

And congrats to those who got in, fingers crossed for the wait listed (the always pull from it), and hope the mailbox stalking will end soon for the rest.

I am curious by the acceptance into the DAY program. When I filled out my forms this year, I didn't select a preference...but last year when I applied and didn't get in I has to choose day or night preference. Did they miss a form with me this year?


Hi Katie, I am RIBN too =) I friend requested you on FB and asked to join the group =)

Yes the letter tells you whether you are in the night or day program. I'm going to be in the night


Hello Katie,

I sent you a request to join the group as well :)

The facebook group is a great idea!! I'm going to look for it now. And yes, at the point count there should have a been a form they asked you to put a "check" next to your preference for day or night program.

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