Published Nov 1, 2016
11 Posts
I received a booklet in the mail from ce-express from Western Schools on the topic death, dying, and bereavement. It looked interesting and what caught my eye was that it was 20 contact hours all approved by ANCC and all peer reviewed. in my state I need 20 hours, 10 of which must be peer reviewed but all may be completed online. so I went ahead read the material while on a couple road trips. in October I logged in, paid the course fee, took the exam and evaluation, and printed my certificate. it was $23 on sale. Does this sound too good to be valid? I mean I will only have to send in the one certificate rather than dig through my ceu's over the last 2 years. Does anyone else do this? Just curious because of course I just received a letter that I am being!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
If the course has been approved for CE by ANCC & it is still 'good' (not expired), it's perfectly legit. There's not a lot of overhead expense in creating text-based learning modules. Once the course is approved, the only costs are for delivering it to users (in print or online) and processing certificates. If the certificate process has been automated, it is very inexpensive to run. IMO, the most expensive part is related to the IM infrastructure (website, database, security, etc.) so it's not unusual to find them at bargain prices, particularly if the course expiration date is looming.
@HouTx thank you for your response! I was worried the board would frown upon the fact that i took all ceus at one time on one subject. I always learn and attend inservices this is just an easy way to provide proof. Do you know anyone who has used these? It wasnt expired when i took exam and i think it might actually expire next year.
poppycat, ADN, BSN
856 Posts
I've used Western Schools for a lot of my CEU's over the years and never had any problems.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
IDoes this sound too good to be valid?
Nope. It sounds pretty normal, to me.
Horseshoe, BSN, RN
5,879 Posts
What state are you in? The reason I ask is because in Texas there is a requirement to take a jurisprudence class as part of your 20 hours. Do you have any similar specific requirements?
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
I don't need CEUs for my nursing license, but I do for my lactation certification, and whenever possible, I LOVE to bundle them all in one place and get it all over with at once.
thanks everyone ! I am in nebraska and we have no specific requirements over what our ceu's need to be over, just that we must have 20 and 10 of those must be peer reviewed. So I am covered I took the exam and evaluation printed certificate, then went to DHHS website for NE and renewed my license all in one day to get it over with!