CE r/t Neonatal Nursing?

Specialties NICU


Does anyone know where I can find CE offerings r/t NICU?

Thanks so much!


Look at March of Dimes or Nursing Spectrum

Mostly perinatal nursing, but some relate to caring for premature infants and their families, newborn screening and nutrition.

try NICUniversity.org It has Continuing ed for MD, residents, NNP and bedside nurses. Nann is part of this website. And it is free.. Gotta love that.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

motherbabyuniversity.com is an excellent site, even for RNC review....


Does anyone know where I can find CE offerings r/t NICU?

Thanks so much!


if you are a member of NANN you can get CEU's from their NICUniversity

To use NICUniversity.org, you do not have to be a member of NANN.. Yes, they are part of it, However, CEU's are Free...

Specializes in NICU as Staff, Registry & Travel.


This website has a 30 or 50 hour approved CE course using "Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care" (6th ed) by Merenstein & Gardner as the reference. It is great. I did the 30 hour one a few years back and am now doing the 50 hour one now to study for the RNC exam.

There are also 2 other courses totaling 55 total hours NICU CEU using the same book.




Specializes in Level 3 NICU 17 yrs, Neo transport 13 yr.

if you are a member of the academy of neonatal nurses you can get 15 free ceu's a year with the neonatal network magazine.

Specializes in NICU.

Thanks for all these links!!

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