Published Oct 19, 2005
7 Posts
I am a staff nurse, cardiac post open heart, who started in case management, worker's compensation, 3 years ago. I am currently working in NJ for the largest workers compensation insurance company in the state and have never been more content in a job. I am taking the CCM exam in 2 weeks and need all the support and help with exam. I have the study guide and CD by Diane F., and am waiting for the CM Handbook. I am so afraid of the questions regarding Medicare, Medicaid....I study them but don't use them in my field, so I forget them as soon as I close the books! I am 52 years old and don't have them memory I used to have, or maybe it's the 4 kids and 2 grandchildren who are taking up my time and mind???
Any suggestions, help, whatever you can give me I would greatly appreciate it!!
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
I am a staff nurse, cardiac post open heart, who started in case management, worker's compensation, 3 years ago. I am currently working in NJ for the largest workers compensation insurance company in the state and have never been more content in a job. I am taking the CCM exam in 2 weeks and need all the support and help with exam. I have the study guide and CD by Diane F., and am waiting for the CM Handbook. I am so afraid of the questions regarding Medicare, Medicaid....I study them but don't use them in my field, so I forget them as soon as I close the books! I am 52 years old and don't have them memory I used to have, or maybe it's the 4 kids and 2 grandchildren who are taking up my time and mind??? Any suggestions, help, whatever you can give me I would greatly appreciate it!!Thanks!Nancy:)
:balloons: Hello and Welcome to
Enjoy the forums.
100 Posts
I took the exam last Fall and failed. I then bought the 900 question CD and passed the exam this past Spring. The only thing that I did differently after failing the exam was study the CD. Some people will say that they used it, but didn't remember any of the questions on it. I feel like it really helped me. It had a lot of questions r/g Medicare and Medicaid with rationals with the answers. Hope this helps.
2 Posts
Hi Jersey Mom,
I am taking the certification course next week, and trying to not get stressed out about it! I am also in my 50's and find it a lot harder to read and retain new material. I am currently using A Case Managers Guide, and take the test via CD. Wishing you much luck!
Good luck too! This is my last weekend to cram....I wish I knew more about Medicaid/Medicare. Worker's Comp is my specialty,I love it, but it limits my scope of knowledge. I really wish you the best. I am taking the exam Saturday...actually have a hotel room for the night before, no kids, no husband, no pets...nadda...just me and my CD, books and lots of prayers!
36 Posts
I am taking the CCM exam this Saturday. Getting stressed despite my years of case mgmt in home care, hospice and managed care. I am studying too! Prayer to all of you taking the test with me. Good luck!
Ok, I am sitting here in a hotel in Trenton, studying for the CCM exam tomorrow morning. Now I feel like I don't know anything, so I took a break. I am going to pass this exam...I am, I am......
Good luck to all who are joining me tomorrow!
Ok, I took the exam yesterday. It was nothing that I expected. The book/CD that I studied from for HOURS didn't really cover much of anything that was on that exam. The exam had a ton of vocational rehab, some disease management, some ADA, very little worker's comp, which is my specialty, and psych. I have no idea how to feel regarding whether I passed or not, I just know I feel much better knowing it's over with! We all looked shell shocked when we left the exam. I took a prep course for this exam. I have mixed feelings regarding the course now that I have taken the exam. But I know I gave it my best shot and pray that I passed. Good luck to all who took the exam!
Can anyone direct me...I need to know who to contact in order to apply to take the CCM exam? Any study guide books and/or CD rom guides information would be appreciated. Good luck to all who took the exam. Virginia
You can go online to It is loaded with any and all info you need to be able to take the exam. Good luck to you! I am still waiting for my results. We should have them by the end of December. I am hoping and praying for a late Christmas gift!
Thanks so much Jersymom...good luck with your upcoming results! I will check out the site. Virginia
1 Post
Hi, i also took the test this october and anxiously waiting my results. I felt the same way you did about the test, i hope we pass !
let me know when you hear something
good luck !