CBD & Nursing don't mix

Nurses General Nursing

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I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and am anxiously awaiting my Rheumatology appointment. While I have been waiting I have been in a lot of pain when I have my flares, so I have put in a request to see a pain management specialist. I told my husband AND my father this and they BOTH suggested I try CBD oil. What the what??? I have told my husband and father several times that since CBD/marijuana is federally ILLEGAL if I take a drug test and pop positive for it I could lose my license or have to report to TPAPN, I don't know which one is worse.

They both told me since I am not working that I should try the CBD oil. Uh, no. I am applying for telecommuting positions. What if I get an interview on Monday and they want me to take a drug test the same day? But I've been using the CBD oil so I have to reject the interview/job/etc all because I couldn't wait to get a legal prescription from a provider.

My husband, I will give him a pass. He is not the brightest crayon in the box. Never was and never will be. But my father, he has a bachelor's degree and has common sense. So I don't know why he doesn't understand this.

Specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

I decided to give CBD a 3 week trial and keep my fingers crossed that I wouldn't be drug tested. This was to decide if it really helped then it is worth risk, if not I would move on. I researched the product and went with a company that had lab verified CBD. I bought a pure CBD high percentage product.

It didn't do anything to help me in any way - no pain relief, no reduction in anxiety, not any easier to sleep than before. The trial is done and now I can move on and not think about it anymore.

In general, this has been my experience with most alternative remedies. At one point a few years back, I was a naturalist and avoided medications like the plaque and then tried prescribed medication with much greater effect.

I feel like people are getting CBD oil and medical marijuana confused here. They are not the same thing.

Medical marijuana is actual marijuana. It can help specifically with children who have Dravet syndrome which is a type of childhood epilepsy that is very devastating. It can also help with severe nausea in cancer patients.

CBD oil does not help with epilepsy. It is the modern day snake oil. I tried it for my chronic pain once. It did nothing but make my tongue warm. The actual amount of THC is so incredibly low in CBD I don’t know how anyone would meet the threshold for a drug screen.

You don’t need a medical marijuana card to buy CBD oil. It’s even sold in my ultra-conservative state. You know why? Because it’s not THC.

3 hours ago, LovingLife123 said:

I feel like people are getting CBD oil and medical marijuana confused here. They are not the same thing.

Medical marijuana is actual marijuana. It can help specifically with children who have Dravet syndrome which is a type of childhood epilepsy that is very devastating. It can also help with severe nausea in cancer patients.

CBD oil does not help with epilepsy. It is the modern day snake oil. I tried it for my chronic pain once. It did nothing but make my tongue warm. The actual amount of THC is so incredibly low in CBD I don’t know how anyone would meet the threshold for a drug screen.

You don’t need a medical marijuana card to buy CBD oil. It’s even sold in my ultra-conservative state. You know why? Because it’s not THC.

You have this completely backward. The FDA-approved medication for children with seizures is indeed a CBD product, from the cannabis plant.


"Epidiolex (cannabidiol) [CBD] oral solution for the treatment of seizures associated with two rare and severe forms of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, in patients two years of age and older. This is the first FDA-approved drug that contains a purified drug substance derived from marijuana. It is also the first FDA approval of a drug for the treatment of patients with Dravet syndrome."


9 minutes ago, 4thCareerNurse said:

You have this completely backward. The FDA-approved medication for children with seizures is indeed a CBD product, from the cannabis plant.


I know what the FDA approved medication is. Still not the same as what has been tested and being used out there. I never stated anything on the the FDA approved drug. Seeing as how it’s federally legal and marijuana is not, this is how it is sold. Medical marijuana is not approved in my state. You can get that drug though.

Actual medical marijuana has shown effectiveness in Dravet syndrome. The problem is, it’s not legal in most states.

Kudos to you OrganizedChaos for speaking your mind to KatieMI’s comment! After reading the comments on here, I believe many have commented without researching the info on CBD and just voice their personal opinion. But don’t do this by saying another person’s life is a mess when you have no idea what their life is about. I’m no expert. I have thought the same thing about using it for my pains and my fur babies’ pains. But, being a nurse for 44 yrs, I choose to stay away from it because of what it is. I do believe it has some good qualities..that’s my opinion. I would research more about its properties before using it on my fur babies, but also keep an open mind with others who have had positive experience with it. But as one comment mentioned, the BON does not support you. I do not want to even give the board a chance to take my license away. And majority of work places do not support us at all. So I won’t give them the opportunity to screw me over. I’m very dedicated to my nursing as I believe we all are. So for me, I will never use anything that would place my nursing license in jeopardy. Be careful in judging others with comments when you have not walked in their shoes. We all have different opinions and entitled to voice them, but not when it comes to judging others.

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