Published Jul 12, 2012
325 Posts
hi everyone,
i read somewhere ( that one of three Computer adaptive testing CAT criteria of passing NCLEX-RN is having all last 60 correct answers if you reach maximum questions of 265.
Im curious if for example if the tester reaches 75 questions and shut down.
Assuming that 15 question are trial questions and can not be counted.
In this case, would that mean, the criteria would be having the first 60 correct answers?
knowing how SATA questions are hard and frequent, when I think of it, I can not possibly imagine having a straight 60 correct answers during my upcoming exam.
310 Posts
My understanding is that you do not have to have all 60 questions correct....but instead, you need enough of the questions correct that are in the passing level in order to actually pass the test. The people who pass at 75 do not have all 60 questions correct, but have answered enough of those questions correct (including higher level questions) for the computer to make a decision that the person is competent and doesn't need to continue on with the rest of the test, as this has proven that they will likely continue to answer in this manner. So you could have incorrect questions in that 60 but the number of questions correct or incorrect and their level (higher level vs. lower level) will determine if you passed or failed.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
No way on knowing whether the 15 test questions are all at the beginning or mixed throughout. Last question may be a test question which may expalin why we see members post they know they got the last question wrong but still passed