Published Jun 25, 2008
miss81, BSN, RN
342 Posts
I'm a canadian RN who has been working for 5 years as a "float" nurse. I work med., surgery, & OBS. I am in the process if preparing for a move to the US to do travel nursing. I will be writing my NCLEX in a few months and need some advice on a good study guide for Canadian nurses transitioning to American nursing. I am sure that I will be ok when I start work but I am very nervous about the NCLEX. HELP!!!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the NCLEX forum where I am sure you will find much in the way to help you study for the exam.
Also not sure if you have an employer and sorted for the TN visa once you have completed requirements and passed NCLEX but check out the International forum under the region tab. You will need VSC once you have passed and there is info there also
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
These are also two very distinct and different topics that you will need to cover.
First and foremost is taking and passing the NCLEX exam. That will need to be tackled before anything else. Then you can focus on the adjustment as to how things are done on this side of the border. Be aware that the travel company that you do sign with should be the one that will get you prepared before you arrive here.
Best of luck to you.