Can someone help me with this problem?


You want to give 2 mg Morphine. You have 1mg/mL Morphine syringes. Dilute with 5 mL. How many mL do you give?

Specializes in Psychiatric/ Mental Health.

........for real?

Specializes in retired LTC.

Members here are more than willing & glad to help students, but don't expect us to do your homework for you. Tell us what you think first, and we can help.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
You want to give 2 mg Morphine. You have 1mg/mL Morphine syringes. Dilute with 5 mL. How many mL do you give?
Is this the whole problem? what does it say exactly.

We are happy to help but we need to see what you think first to best help you.

This is the whole problem. I believe that the answer is 7 mL. mL/1mg x 2mg= 2 mg for the dose + 5 mL= 7 mL total dose. Some else told me the answer was 6 mL. I just wanted to see what the real answer was for my own learning NOT for a homework assignment.

I don't think that's correct, and I have no idea what you are doing with your original equation. 2mg for the dose is 2mg for the dose, but adding that to 5ml?? Did you mean 2ml for the dose? And then add 5cc of diluent? or did they mean, your dose will be in a total of 5ml? I can't make heads or tails of this. No idea at all where a 6ml could come in.

It's not a well-worded question.


Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
You want to give 2 mg Morphine. You have 1mg/mL Morphine syringes. Dilute with 5 mL. How many mL do you give?
If you have 1mg/ml syringes and you need 2mg' many ml will you have to have to give 2mgs?

Now dilute that with 5ml of many mls total will you have?

Or do they want you to have a total of 5mls when you are done. What is the exact question?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

What do you think? Allnurses is here to guide and assist but not give you the answers to your homework.

So what do YOU think the answer is and why?

What do you think? Allnurses is here to guide and assist but not give you the answers to your homework.

So what do YOU think the answer is and why?

The OP expressed their thoughts above, just sayin

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
The OP expressed their thoughts above just sayin[/quote']

There were originally duplicate threads in two different forums that were subsequently merged AFTER I posted. I posted on the second thread when there was only the original post.

Specializes in Pedi.
This is the whole problem. I believe that the answer is 7 mL. mL/1mg x 2mg= 2 mg for the dose + 5 mL= 7 mL total dose. Some else told me the answer was 6 mL. I just wanted to see what the real answer was for my own learning NOT for a homework assignment.

2 mL for the dose, you know the dose is 2 mg. You are trying to figure out how many mL you will draw up.

Why do you think the other person is right? 2 plus 5 is 7, it cannot possibly be 6 if your concentration of morphine is 1 mg/mL.

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