Can my school change prerequisite requirements?

Nursing Students General Students


Hi! I'll try to explain this as best I can. I enrolled in nursing school in June of 2015 with a lot of transfer credits. This semester I took more general ed requirements so all I have left is A&P 2, Micro, a religion class, and four nursing classes. My plan was

Spring '16 A&P 2, Nursing 1

Summer '16 Micro, Nursing 2

Fall '16 Religion, Nursing 3

Spring '17 Nursing 4

And then I would have my associates and be able to take the NCLEX.

Unfortunately, I failed A&P with a 72.7 (needed a 73), and so I was bummed out, but decided I would just push each of my general eds back a semester, so I could still take those four nursing classes in the time planned. I signed up for Nursing and Anatomy 1 and it even said on the registration website they could be taken simultaneously.

Then I got a call from my school. They changed their prerequisite for Nursing 1 in mid September, saying that now students need to take anatomy 1 PRIOR to nursing. They didn't change it on the registration website accidentally. This will cause a delay in earning my degree. It will also cause me to lose financial aid next semester, because the religion class is full this late in the game, and micro can't be taken simultaneously at this school.

I did my research and the commission that accredits my school had a list of standards for accreditation, one of which is

"When programs are eliminated or program requirements are changed, the institutionmakes appropriate arrangements for enrolled students so that they may complete theireducation with a minimum of disruption."

This causes a huge disruption with both my financial aid and my graduation date. I have a meeting with the VP of my school and the nursing director tomorrow. My argument is that the catalogue and handbook said I could take Nursing 1 and Anatomy 1 simultaneously when I enrolled in the school, so they can't change that. Do you think I have a chance?

Unfortunately, they can impose any rules they want.

It just feels like they're putting money and technicalities over my education. Telling me A&P 1 is vital for nursing when I was .3 points shy of passing and last semester students didn't even need to take it at all.

SHOOT someone just let me know I wrote failed bio and not A&P...I meant to write A&P there

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.

State your dilemma and politely ask for guidance. It will only look bad for you if you go in with a sense of entitlement, or you try to threaten the school.

I agree that when you fail a class, stuff like this happens and you're not likely to be accommodated.

Good luck

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
Why do they "not allow it?". Your paying for these classes, it's not really their business how you choose to take them. I took A+P 2 w/ Micro at the same time, it certainly wasn't a fun time but I pulled an A in both. I get irritated with schools when they try enforce high school type rules -- I am 28 years old with three kids, I would not be impressed if my school told me I couldn't take two classes together.

It's called a prerequisite and schools do it all the time.

So then I came up with a backup plan of taking micro and A&P 1 at the same time this semester but they don't allow that. /QUOTE]

Most schools require A&P 1 as a prereq for micro. So until you've had A&P 1, you are at a standstill.

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