I'm burnt out and tired at my full time job. I get handed assignments that I don't want to do that aren't in my job description because the other nurses do not feel that they have to do their jobs at my facility. I work shifts that I didn't agree to because no one else will work them. I fear putting in my notice at my place of employment. I fear that my boss may take it upon herself to destroy my career due to anger for me quitting as we are short staffed and I am a wound nurse who is very good at her job.
My boss has done things to jeopardize other nurses and their careers for crossing her. I feel stuck. I've put in written notice twice and have been talked into staying both times. The first time they offered me a wound nurse position in the hopes that I would stay. The DON at the time was a DNP CWS that I thought would be providing me with on the job training. This was not the case and I was thrown into an unfamiliar position. Then I saw what my boss had done to a co-worker that she felt "crossed her.”
She did what she could to sabotage that nurse's career. And I saw her do it again to another nurse, only because that nurse didn't agree with what she did to the nurse that she got fired. I don't feel that my license is safe working at this facility while she is in charge. I feel that she will go out of her way to make me look neglectful in any way possible and report me to the board.
I document everything that happens when I'm on shift as far as non-compliance or when wounds are reported. I would rather quit with no notice since I have a PRN job that I can switch to full time for. Is there anything my boss can do to jeopardize my license if I quit effective immediately?
Dear Nurse Beth,
I'm burnt out and tired at my full time job. I get handed assignments that I don't want to do that aren't in my job description because the other nurses do not feel that they have to do their jobs at my facility. I work shifts that I didn't agree to because no one else will work them. I fear putting in my notice at my place of employment. I fear that my boss may take it upon herself to destroy my career due to anger for me quitting as we are short staffed and I am a wound nurse who is very good at her job.
My boss has done things to jeopardize other nurses and their careers for crossing her. I feel stuck. I've put in written notice twice and have been talked into staying both times. The first time they offered me a wound nurse position in the hopes that I would stay. The DON at the time was a DNP CWS that I thought would be providing me with on the job training. This was not the case and I was thrown into an unfamiliar position. Then I saw what my boss had done to a co-worker that she felt "crossed her.”
She did what she could to sabotage that nurse's career. And I saw her do it again to another nurse, only because that nurse didn't agree with what she did to the nurse that she got fired. I don't feel that my license is safe working at this facility while she is in charge. I feel that she will go out of her way to make me look neglectful in any way possible and report me to the board.
I document everything that happens when I'm on shift as far as non-compliance or when wounds are reported. I would rather quit with no notice since I have a PRN job that I can switch to full time for. Is there anything my boss can do to jeopardize my license if I quit effective immediately?
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