Can I pass the test??

Nursing Students NCLEX


Specializes in medical-surgical, mental health.

I took NCLEX last sata, no new format questions..I ended up at item 77..most of the questions are priority patients, some meds, and delegation...will i stand a chance to pass the exam..just venting my feelings..i'm so down because i didn't have a sata type of question which i think i got the easier and low level questions..thanks!:crying2:

I think you have a great chance 85 % to be exact if your a first time test take. Good luck

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Getting no SATA means nothing. SATA is just a format nothing else. Hang in there and good luck

Getting priority type questions are actually a very good thing. SATA are only a format and do not tell you anything about passing the exam.

There is no way to second guess how you would have done. Best of luck as you wait for your results.

I think you have a great chance 85 % to be exact if your a first time test take. Good luck

Actually that statistic applies to only those that have trained in the US; out of the US, it is about 45% that pass the first time.

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