Calm my nerves?

Nursing Students General Students


Hi fellow nursing students/nursing professionals,

Is there anything you take to calm your nerves or help your body handle stress?

Care to share?

God Bless you !

A foot message, ice cream, hot bath, a good book, quilting, gardening, sitting in a park, movie popcorn, talking up a storm with a good friend over a cup of coffee, sleeping in, a good home facial mask, and watching an old movie... all by myself! :lol2:

I watch TV when I need a break. Lol

What calmed your nerves before? Make sure to carve out time for that. Sanity is vital! Me. I run. A lot.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

My go-tos are yoga, running, hot baths, and wine :) Reading would normally be one as well, but I can't bring myself to do it for pleasure thanks to the guilt of all the nursing reading that haunts me. I also started getting regular massages this semester to work out the painful physical manifestations of nursing school stress.

Sometimes the only thing I can do is just take a break and force myself to do nothing nursing related, even if it means more work later.

There's always that feeling like I don't have time to take a break, but the reality is that a break is a MUCH better use of my time than a burn-out or panic attack.

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