New LVN Grad can't find job in LA. Well, how about Sacramento?

U.S.A. California



I've got my VN License a month ago and have been looking for jobs 24/7, I applied everywhere and as far as 100 miles from Los Angeles City, yet no luck. Everybody wants at least a year of experience as LVN. I've been to 5 interviews so far and found out that they had 1000 of new grad applications for one position, so it's very hard to land a job in LA as a new grad because of high level of competition. I had two interviews at SNF and three at different agencies but nobody called me back. I also called thousands of SNFs and Agencies and for all of them I've got two responses: 1. Most of SNFs don't even accept applications for LVN positions 2. All employers want at least 1 to 2 years of recent LVN experience.

So, after extensive searches I made conclusion to look somewhere else in order not to waste my pressious time. I've done a research in regard to number of LVN Schools in Los Angeles County and I counted over hundred schools that had on average about 60 LVN New Grads a year; so taking into consideration that statistic it's pointless to look for a LVN Position in LA and it's just a waste of time because there are so many LVNs and not enough jobs.

I'm thinking about moving to Sacramento Area, CA and want to find out about the situation over there too. I called some Sacramento Agencies last week and they told me that it has been slow for nurses down there especialy for New Grads.

I need job ASAP. Fellow LVNs how is the job market for us in Sacramento,CA?

I appreciate your response.

Thank you:redbeathe

Based upon what I know of the area and what I have read on this site, you won't do any better up there. Nurses from the SF Bay area who can't get jobs near SF, go to Sacramento for jobs, and the local Sacramento nurses get the available jobs to begin with. You need to go to a very out of the way area or decide to move out of state. Good luck.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

The nursing job market in Sacramento is terrible at the present time, both for new grad LVNs and new RNs. Jobs are virtually nonexistent for those who have no experience.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

Northern California is even worse than Southern California. Get a job before you move.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

Have you tried more rural areas like the Inland Empire? I know the job markets not what it once was. A hospital job would be extremely difficult to come by. But you may be able to find something out there. I'll mention two different jobs that I had as an LVN prior to becoming an RN.: it was an assisted living and group home for the disabled. the hours were decent (usually 4 10's). Not a dream job, but a job.

here is another place I worked, I ended up getting a state job and not staying there that long, but it was a clinic and urgent care. Good experience, most of the patients were low income, etc.

I hope those two leads help.

The Sacramento area has 4 colleges graduating new RNs/LVNs each year who are also competing with other Northern California graduates, so it's not much better up here.

Can anyone tell me the CURRENT SPRING 2017 job market for LVNs with 5 years experience? I just moved back to CA after 12 years. Inland Empire (Redlands) took me 2.5 months to get a job. I want to move to Sacramento because I prefer it over this area. Any info on the current job market would be helpful. THANKS!

Specializes in CNA, LVN, RN.
Can anyone tell me the CURRENT SPRING 2017 job market for LVNs with 5 years experience? I just moved back to CA after 12 years. Inland Empire (Redlands) took me 2.5 months to get a job. I want to move to Sacramento because I prefer it over this area. Any info on the current job market would be helpful. THANKS!

If you look into Pasadena, you should have zero problem getting a job in a SNF or sub-acute. North Pasadena has an area we like to call "Convalescent Row" because there is literally a SNF on every corner. The employees have multiple jobs and will be coming off one to go to the next job next door. I got hired at the very first facility I stopped at (I had just moved there and made a list of all the facilities so I could pick up applications). It's not the greatest place to work but you will be making $21-26/hr. And most facilities there have an RN supervisor so you're not stuck doing admissions and such.

What about the Bay area? Des anyone know how hard it is to find a LVN position within an hour of Oakland/Berkeley?

Try Home Health companies as an LVN field nurse. They are always hiring field nurses. Some companies offer training for new grads.

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