Published Jun 19, 2015
20 Posts
California NCLEX-RN takers: If you passed, did you see your name on Breeze after more than 48 hours?
I took the test on Tuesday, June 16. 48 hours have passed and I still don't see my license posted (if I passed) on Breeze. I check through "Verify License" and then input my first and last name to see if I am listed. Is that how you check it?
Can you share the following:
Northern or Central or Southern California (pick one)
Took test: (insert month/date)
Posted on Breeze: (insert month/date)
Thank you!
261 Posts
Took mine on June 8th and still hasn't posted. I finished in 75 questions and got the good pop up for the Pearson Vue Trick. My school still hasn't posted my degree to my transcripts so I think that may be the reason why my license hasn't posted.
Thanks for replying. Mine still hasn't posted on Breeze. (Just checked). I also finished in 75 questions, but I didn't do the Pearson Vue trick because I keep hearing how it can be wrong and I just don't want to mess with that mentally. My school already posted my degree, I think.
I called my school today and they said they haven't sent the transcripts yet because they send it in a batch and are waiting on other students (for what, I'm not sure). No wonder I haven't had my results yet. I applied to the BRN super early so I could get my ATT and take the NCLEX-RN soon after I graduated, but I had no idea that my results would be on hold because of my school. Still not trying the Pearson Vue thing. Okay, time to just relax and wait.
15 Posts
Southern California
June 10th
Posted on Breeze: still waiting
Have you gotten your result yet?
No, I haven't. Nothing in the mail. Not posted on Breeze.
My school said they haven't sent my transcript yet.
I heard on FB, this may or may not be true: Someone from the BRN told her that if you don't receive any mail (an actual letter) from the BRN 7-10 days after your test date, that's good and means you probably didn't fail. I guess they send out those notices soon after the test.
Here are some numbers I found to call the BRN:
(916) 322-3350
(916) 574-7635
(916) 574-7641
I also heard if you have a job lined up that depends on you getting your license posted, call the BRN and they may expedite posting your license.
Call early at 8am.
I'm still waiting for the BRN to process my transcript too
How many questions did you have? Just curious.
75 questions.
My degree finally posted 2 days ago so hopefully my school sends transcripts soon. One of my coworkers went to my school and he took the NCLEX in early June and didn't see his license post to the BRN until July 4th.
you should follow up with the transcript processing department at your school
265 Posts
Tested in Northern California (Sacramento)
Tested on June 2, 2015
Results were posted June 11, 2015
I was told that my transcripts were missing. So I drove to the BRN to hand deliver them only to find out that they were in fact there, just not processed. I was fortunate that someone actually went to the back and got my file to show me. That person ended up processing them for me that day. I guess I just happened to go at the right time because usually they'll tell you to just wait 4 weeks then contact them. I've known people to drive up to Sacramento and get zero help. Some of my classmates who tested same day as me or even after received their results in 48hrs, others 1 wk, 2eks, etc. Usually transcripts are the hold up and it also all depends on how fast your evaluator works. There's only so many evaluators for thousands of applications. I know the wait sucks.