California nclex results, how long?

World International


Hello again,

I sat the nclex on July 7, not sure how i done computer shut of in 75, hope ive passed but not to confident, anyway does anybody know how long i have to wait for the results is there a quick way to find out cheers. Do they take longer if your an overseas test taker. Do california post your name on the website if you dont have a ssn? if anybody can help, i would be most gratefull thanks again

Hi Suzanne! I read your mesasages w/ regards to the need for a SSN. I took my exam last tuesday (NCLEX-RN), feb.07... I'm very stress out waiting for results.Every morning i keep looking at the BON website for my name.And while reading your messages, i was a little bit confuse, if i pass the exams and i don't have the SSN, i won't get a license number from the BON? And i'll just wait for the letters in my mail?

by the way i took the NCLEX-RN for California...

Thanks in advance....

Exactly, you will need to wait about one month to get your results by snail mail. Passing the NCLEX is only one part of the licensing part, CA also requires a SSN#. So until you have that and can submit a number to them, you will not be licensed in the US. Your name will get posted once they have the SSN#.

This is another reason why I never, ever recommend CA for initial licensure for a foreign grad, even if you are definitely going to work in CA. Waiting one month for results is too hard for many to go thru.

Thanks for that quick respond...well i don't have any choices because my family is in california that's why i took california...i've been in a lot of stress lately and this NCLEX result is reallya big factor.

By the way thanks for recommending me the Saunders book, my cousin gave me her book and i did read the book cover to cover.And you are right, for a foreign graduate saunders would really help...Thank you so much.....

When i finished reading the saunder's book, i really felt confident in taking the exam, it's only after the exam that i felt like i'm scared of failing....i finished 75 questions....

Well, i'll sleep now...Again, thank you so much for the help.

Even with family in CA, it is still much easier to go for licensure in another state, and then just endorse to CA. That way you could have had your results in just two days instead of this long wait, and begun the immigration process that much sooner.

This is not directed at you, but at others that will read this. You can save a month of immigration time by not going the CA route.

i just want to ask what should be the next step after nclex???

i will take nclex on marc. 24 hopefully if i pass what should i do next????

by the way, my friend applied for cali and new mexico...but from what i understand you should not apply at the same time with two states, what consequences will they be facing...

one of my friend has hepa b, can he still work in the states

thanks and good day...

You should only apply to one state at a time, and never, ever try to register with Pearson-Vue for two states, just becomes a terrible mess.

For the Hep B, it will depend on if he has the disease, is a carrier, bet is to contact the US Embassy directly on this. They are the ones that make the final decision on this, and the rules keep changing.

Thanks Suzanne for the reply....

however will you answer my first inquiry?

what's next after nclex?

I already finished ielts but have no cgfns...

Thanks Suzanne for the reply....

however will you answer my first inquiry?

what's next after nclex?

I already finished ielts but have no cgfns...

I am sorry that I did not answer that.........

As soon as you pass the NCLEX exam, you can be petitioned for working in the US. Have you applied for the Visa Screen Certificate yet? That would be your next step, and then as soon as you pass the NCLEX, finding an employer.

Make sure that you read the stickies at the top about contracts.

Helllo suzanne! I got my results already from my mail. I passed the exam, and it took about 2 weeks for me to get the results.I was really depress since the day i took the exam and i was thinking that i did not do good.

Anyway, I would like to thank you for helping me, answering all my question.I really appreciate everything and for recommending the book of saunders. It really helped me.Again thank you so much.

I wish everybody the best of luck...

Hi everybody. I took my NCLEX almost 4 weeks ago and I still do not have esults. Does it mean that I failed. I heard that if you do not have results within week your chances are not that great. Please someone respond . I am all stressed out and I do not know what to do. HELP:rotfl:

Specializes in Nephro, ICU, LTC and counting.
hi everybody. i took my nclex almost 4 weeks ago and i still do not have esults. does it mean that i failed. i heard that if you do not have results within week your chances are not that great. please someone respond . i am all stressed out and i do not know what to do. help:rotfl:

that doesn't mean you failed. the results are mailed via snail mail and sometimes it takes longer than 4 weeks. believe me, you will get your results very soon and hopefully you will pass it. good luck.

Specializes in pure and simple psych.

I wish i can get rid of those nclex books:rolleyes:

If you would, there are sites in both India and Sri Lanka that have requested nursing books, as schools lost all materials to the "big one." You can find them on the web.

And "Well Done " to you!!!:balloons: :balloons:

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