Cal State Long Beach Nursing Program

U.S.A. California



I'm a college freshman who wants to transfer to CSULB's nursing program in the near future. I was wondering if anybody knows the average GPA for their nursing transfer students. I am worried because I took two courses at my community college this summer, and I already received a B in one of them; that leaves me with a 3.5 GPA. However, I plan to bring it up as the year progresses.

I would also appreciate it if you can provide a list of nursing schools that offers nursing programs for transfer students (preferably cal states). :D

That's a link to all the BSN programs approved by the California BRN

Specializes in Surgical/Trauma ICU.

Go to CSULB's nursing website. They have lots of links to statistics and information on the programs and everything. Very helpful site.

Specializes in Home Health Nurse.

What version of the TEAS does long beach accept? Thank you!

CSULB (and most colleges, for that matter) are now using the TEAS V version instead of the 3.0/4.0 versions. However, CSULB's website states that they will still accept the 3.0/4.0 TEAS results if you have taken it prior to January of 2011.

I graduated from CSULB's nursing program last summer. Your overall GPA is important in that it's a reflection of your academic performance. With that being said, your prerequisite course grades are the most important (Anatomy, Phys, Chem etc)

They use a scoring sheet that you will get once you are accepted. All your prerequisite course grades and your TEAS are given a score and the department sets a cut off total score for accepted applicants.

For example you will be ranked by your total score against all other applicants. Depending on how many students they can accept, lets say 60, they will accept the top score down to the person ranked at 60. They also add additional people to an alternate list in case people decide not to go (usually around 15 people).

Something new they started for the class behind me was a panel interview with instructors. I am not sure if they are still doing this, but this will also weigh in on your acceptance.


How did you find the nursing program? Teachers? Curriculum? Clinicals?

Are you working now?

There are two paths through the BSN program, trimester and basic. The basic program is 3 years with summers off and trimester is two years straight through summers.

My experience through the program was excellent. The lecture instructors are very good and almost all of them are still working as a nurse, CNS, or manager which is really helpful. The program puts a heavy emphasis on understanding the really small details of pathophysiology. Instead of just teaching you how to perform procedures, give meds etc, they teach why you do everything. It used to pain me to see what my friends at other programs could pass off as a careplan compared to what I had to do. But it is all worth it.

The clinical instructors are outstanding! They can be pretty brutal in their expectations and will push very hard to make sure you learn and are not just going through the motions. This is not a hands off experience in the least bit, the clinical instructors will let you do almost everything with proper supervision.

The trimester program have all of their hospital based clinicals at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. From my own experience and talking with many of my friends from other programs, you will be hard pressed to find a better more comprehensive clinical experience. It is a teaching hospital and you will be exposed to a wide range of patient conditions and units. Instructors will saddle you with increasing responsibility and let you perform procedures routinely, where with other programs you do it once and never again. It is also very nice to have continuity in your clinicals at one hospital. Not having to relearn the policies, supply and order system, charting etc. is helpful and really lets you focus on the patient and learning. There is an onsite simulation lab with robotic patients and you will run a lot of simulations every semester through different scenarios.

The basic program is a little different because your clinicals rotate almost every semester between different hospitals. The clinical instructors for the basic program are separate from trimester. All of the trimester clinical instructors are current employees of Long Beach Memorial (This is because Long Beach Memorial largely funds the trimester program). The basic program clinical instructors come from different hospitals and most of the time they are former employees of the clinical site. I can see the advantage of rotating sites because it exposes you to different people and hospitals but I really wanted to finish school as fast as possible (My remaining time on my GI Bill wouldn't last 3 years)

A really cool perk when I first started the program was you were able to sign a contract with LBMH obligating you for 2 years of employment in exchange for a small stipend every semester. During my time, they eventually reduced the stipend, then took it away and now are no longer offering anything. LBMH is flooded with new grad RNs. Almost all of my classmates work there in the float pool and most don't even work enough hours to be counted as full time. That being said, they are better off then most of us new grads. Non contracted students from 08 are still looking for work.

The new grad job market in so cal is really bad, which I am sure you know from reading the forums or a quick internet search. I have been looking for work for about 8 months now and have yet to receive even an interview. To put this in perspective, in the rejection letter I got from CHOC, they received 900 applications for 15 positions; it is heavily saturated out there. At this point applying for a new grad program in so cal is like buying a lottery ticket.

No one can predict what the job market is going to be when you graduate; you have to weigh the risks and benefits. IMO the current backlog of unemployed new grads along with the hundreds of graduating RNs every semester is a compounding problem. Even if hospitals radically increased hiring overnight by 100%, it will take many many years to work through the backlog and give everyone an opportunity.

**I am unable to respond to private messages through this site because I haven't reached the required # of helpful posts yet, but I am more than willing to help out if you send me your email**

Specializes in Home Health Nurse.

Thanks for all the great info... My email is [email protected]... I think you answered all of my questions! :) I am excited to get started.

No problem. Glad I could help :)

Specializes in Home Health Nurse.

Actually do you know of anyone that went through the direct entry MSN program... do you know if they have a harder time finding a job?

I actually knew a couple of people in the MSN program. The program is intense. They complete 2 semesters of BSN coursework in only one semester. Don't plan on working while in this program.

If you complete the MSN program expect a harder time finding a job if you want practice as an NP. It will be extremely difficult to find someone willing to take an NP with no clinical experience. Same thing with trying to obtain a nursing management position. I imagine it would kind of be like a doctor working but they never completed residency.

Either way, job prospects at the moment and in the future (Till the economy improves) are pretty lousy. Take what you can and hope for the best. Basically the MSN doesn't improve your prospects and can hurt if you are looking for something that demands experience. Working as an MSN staff nurse in my opinion would be your best option and you know what the situation is like for new grad RNs.

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