

]I've only been a nurse for 3 years, but I'm afraid I am completely burned out. I find myself wanting to do a public service announcement on how to be a good patient. I am sick to death of patients and patient's families complaining that daddy had to wait 20 minutes for a cup of coffee while I've been in the middle of a code. I'm sick of seeing family memebers out in the hall giving me the "stare down" like when am I going to come in their room (half the time it's not even my patient). Had a daughter of a patient the other day (an RN at that) and wanted to know why daddy didn't get shaved today. Well, lets see...we were working 3 nurses short, I had been there for 16 hours and I had 3 very critical patients that were very time consuming. You just don't always have time to do everything. I actually had one man blast me as soon as I hit the door about how he had been waiting 30 minutes for a cup of coffee. I explained to him that I had been in a code down the hall. He didn't care. I asked him if he were in a crisis situation would he want me stopping to get someone else a cup of coffee before coming to his aid? Family memebers want ot sit by the bedside and pester the crap out of the nurses and patients 24 hr a day, but God forbid they actually lift a finger to help their loved ones get a drink of water of get on to a bed pan. I often feel more like I'm working in a 5 star hotel rather than a hospital. Am I the only one who feels this way? :smackingf

Specializes in SICU, MICU, CICU, NeuroICU.

People expect a lot more now. This is your job, to cater to my every need, kind of mentality.

I'm with you on this one. People are too pampered in this day in age, especially the children.

Oh and I almost forgot about everyone's mentality which is ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME!

Specializes in Flight, ER, Transport, ICU/Critical Care.

Are you the only one that feels this way??


Dealing with "entitled" patients and families just WEARS me out. And face it - this "entitlement" crosses all definitions: economic, education, religious, race, marital status and political parties. :)

I am here to save your a$$, wipe your a$$, care for your a$$ - but I am NOT here to kiss it. Patients and healthcare administrators alike THINK AND DEMAND OTHERWISE. It has to stop - shortages of nurses at the bedside will continue! :redbeathe

I think that a PSA might be a great idea - at least you will feel like you have done something, anything - but, the folks that "need" to hear it will never listen.

I'd love to be able to tell you that it gets better, or give you some magic for dealing with it - but, the fact is any change in your situation will need to come from you. I think that a change of "scenery" may be in order. Or a break. I did both and they helped for a while.

The major change came when I left hospital nursing. I am now blessed. I love my job. So keep the faith - there is SOMETHING out there for everyone. That is the beauty of nursing - so many options.

Best of Luck.

Take care of yourself.


I hate people.

I hate patients.

I hate doctors.

I hate hospitals.

I hate insurace companies.

I hate nursing as a job.

Don't feel bad, most nurses I know have been burned out for decades.

All the above has taken the reward and fun out of the job.

Specializes in NICU.
I hate people.


Makes me glad my patients can't talk :)

Specializes in NICU.

Makes me glad my patients can't talk :)

For reals. And the parents (usually) are so glad the kid's alive they don't behave too badly.

Although the inconsolable screaming of a neuro kid isn't a picnic. Did you know they play looped tapes of babies crying in interrogation rooms at Gitmo?


Makes me glad my patients can't talk :)

Specializes in NICU.

Also they're usually little enough that we can lift 'em without hurting our backs. Neener neener.

Specializes in NICU.
For reals. And the parents (usually) are so glad the kid's alive they don't behave too badly.

Although the inconsolable screaming of a neuro kid isn't a picnic. Did you know they play looped tapes of babies crying in interrogation rooms at Gitmo?

Yeah those neuro and drug babies are fun .... the nonstop ear piercing shrieks. It's good birth control!

Also they're usually little enough that we can lift 'em without hurting our backs. Neener neener.

I've thought about it, but I can't do kids. No way, no how.

Waaay back, when I was a brand-new GPN, I used to get pulled all over the hospital. It was fantastic experience for my upcoming boards, but they kept putting me in the newborn nursery. This place was a regular baby-factory. Four regular nurseries (15 babies each) + a NICU. So they'd stick me in a nursery, most times with a CNA (who often was pulled too lol)

I was a nervous wreck. I wasn't even licensed yet, and here I am with a roomful of someone elses' kids :stone

All the babies were bundled up so tight and lying on their sides... I couldn't see the little boogers breathing. So if they got too quiet or didn't move, I'd go over and tickle their feet to make 'em cry. The whole place would be in an uproar. The NICU nurses would run over to see what all the commotion was about.

But by golly, I knew the babies were ok.


Specializes in med/surg.

sorry guys, have to disagree with you on this one. love my patients, love my job, great bunch of co-workers who regulary meet for drinks and dinner and doctors who do what we tell them instead of the other way round. maybe im just niave as i have just qualified. remind me of what i said in 5 years when im on here saying....i hate my job, hate doctors, hate patients etc...

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