Burned Out or Just The Way It Is?

Nurses General Nursing

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I've been in the nursing field for 4.5 years now, though I find it hard to believe I've made it that long at times. With every nursing job I've had so far, I seem to come across this brick wall that I smack right into and can't seem to get around.

I always start off really enthusiastic, a champion for the cause, Super-Nurse-Meets-Best-Customer-Service-Rep, happy to put in as many hours as needed (within reason, I've never been a total overtime champion, but an hour here or there is fine), and really believing in what I do.

But, over time, in whatever job I've been in (I've always worked in either LTC or Primary Care because I don't want to do floor nursing), the "human condition" (for lack of a better term) wears me down. I get to the point where I start asking myself "Besides the fact that this is the only local industry that pays a living wage, what's the point [of getting putting up with abusive patients, the physical/emotional wear-and-tear on the body, the liability in this lawsuit-happy country, etc]?" and feeling that "No matter what I do/say/how I educate the patient/how much time I invest in the patient, I'm not going to make one iota of difference because it took them YEARS to dig themselves into the hole they've found themselves in".

In turn, other than the regular paycheck, I find that I have very little motivation to keep turning days into weeks, weeks into months at whatever nursing job I'm at. Unfortunately, that has led to some job-hopping, which I'm not proud of (which is another reason why I'm reaching out in an attempt to better understand why I keep reaching this point). Unfortunately, I'm starting to reach this point sooner and sooner with each job. This time, I'm a little more committed because it's a SUPER work environment (for the most part), professional culture (for the most part), great manager, the pay can't be beat in the area, and a much better place to work at than I've come across since entering nursing. However, I'm still struggling.

Thank you for any and all commiseration and/or advice you can offer!

First off, you have to realize that you can't " fix "anybody but yourself. Best you can do is continue to educate people. Some will listen, some wont. Can't take it personal or let it wear you down.

I hear you loud and clear. I have had so many patients that I tried to help when I was in my first 15 years or so of nursing to no avail, thought it was me. Finally I learned that I can't lead their lives for them, I give them the resources to change. After awhile I was quick to recognize those that had a chance and those that were going to continue on the same old path. If you give them one simple instruction and they can't do it and can provide nothing to account for why, then you can assume that they aren't motivated. I've taken care of enough 400 pound people with co-morbidities and self destructive behavior to feel like I am an expert in the field. I have decades of experience.

I offer the help, I present the solutions and the way to improved health and offer some encouragement/health coaching. It's up to them at that point and I won't feel guilty because they don't want to get better and won't get better because of their own foolish choices. I am not a savior, I am a human being just like everybody else.

I am a Psych NP. My algorithm is essentially- is the situation dangerous? If not, I have done my job.

Yes, in 15 years of practice, I have seen a few amazing recoveries, mostly by court order of antipsychotics.

You are doing your job. It sounds like expectations have been greatly inflated

Less than 1% of your patients will ever lose weight or stop smoking

I wonder.. if not healthcare then what do you envision yourself doing? Maybe you should do the things in healthcare you said or think you don’t want to. You’d be surprised how stepping out of your comfort zone can be that spark you need. For example, pediatrics (probably top 2 in terms of lawsuits) and psych were dead last on my list of things I wanted to do while I was in nursing school. Six years later and thanks to certain circumstances, I ended up in the psych field and was stuck working with the child population in that hospital. Turns out the last thing I would’ve ever done ended up being extremely rewarding, challenging and fun work. I’ve been there for 3.5 years now. And I must say this as well, take care of your mental health. These feelings of frustration can lead to depression, which can lead to drug or alcohol addiction. Find a local psychiatrist or psychologist if your feelings of hopelessness continue to fester.

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