Published Nov 7, 2004
Driven Persistence
7 Posts
Does anyone use nursing flowsheets that are specific to the burn patient?
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
No but have a look through the resource "sticky" thread and see if there is anything there.
38 Posts
We use a flowsheet on our burn patients when they enter our 1:1 critical stage and need close monitoring, its a lowsheet that our unit made that spe4cifically tracks everything important to our patients and is set up in a way that works well for us, its much nicer than using one of the ones from other floors
Can you give me a better idea of what kind of information you have on the flowsheet? Can you send me a copy?
renerian, BSN, RN
5,693 Posts
I did use them when I floated to burn many moons ago.
576 Posts
LOL When I read the title I thought you meant we should 'burn flowsheets in nursing!' LOLOL
dawngloves, BSN, RN
2,399 Posts
SNORT!!! :chuckle