Published Apr 16, 2015
13 Posts
Anyone here applying for the Bunker Hill Nursing program for January 2016? Have you taken your TEAS yet? If not, where are you planning to take them? The department chair told me that the next time they are offering them at Bunker Hill is in October and the application cycle for January 2016 ends in September. Is that too late to take the TEAS?
I'm debating on taking it at another school so I get it out of the way and BHCC has my scores on time. How does Bunker Hill get the scores if we take it at another school? Anyone know the process?
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
Weclome to allnurses! Hope you get the answers you need :-
28 Posts
Hi, I am currently in the BHCC Nursing program which started in January 2015. I don't know if the application process has changed since things do seem to change a lot at BHCC but this is how things went when I applied. Step one was to submit my application for the Nursing program which I submitted sometime in July/August. Then I believe it was sometime in September that they sent me a letter that I would need to take the TEAS test in October. (They offer multiple dates for you to choose when you want to take it. The TEAS test is held at BHCC so once you are done taking it you bring your scores to where you dropped off your application and they submit it to the nursing department.) So I signed up to take it at BHCC and the same day I took it I got my scores and submitted them. Then I waited for what seemed like forever lol but right before thanksgiving I got my acceptance letter which gave instructions on finalizing everything and we had an orientation in Decemeber and started in January. So all in all yes the cycle ends in September but that's fine because you don't take your TEAS until they invite you to do so just make sure you submit your application in time and that its completed correctly. Hope this helps I remember what a headache it was trying to figure it all out!
Thank you! Yes, its such a headache trying to figure all of this out. But that was very helpful. Did you have someone advise you all the way through the application process? Any other advice on it?
79 Posts
hi - how are you liking the program? are you in day or evening? I'm hoping to get in for Jan 16
Hey guys!
So I read a few threads on here saying that if you go to program eval in your portal and select nursing/day, it might have the anticipated graduation date on there, If its filled that means you are accepted. Mine is already up there....but it seems like its too early considering I haven't taken the TEAS yet. Anyone else have this?
21 Posts
I have! I applied into Nursing Evenings and it says my anticipated grad date is 1/2018. Wonder what that means.
Me too, but apparently notices don't go out til late nov. can anyone share how they did on prereq's and teas?
I did well on most but curious what I'm up against.
hope we all get in!
Did you apply to the days or evenings option? I scored a 78 overall on my TEAS V and 3.963 GPA. I'm hoping I get in and super anxious to find out!
Hey guys!So I read a few threads on here saying that if you go to program eval in your portal and select nursing/day, it might have the anticipated graduation date on there, If its filled that means you are accepted. Mine is already up there....but it seems like its too early considering I haven't taken the TEAS yet. Anyone else have this?
I've been doing a lot of research and it means you've been accepted if there's an anticipated graduation date on your actual profile. I'm so anxious to find out!
I was unable to sign into my portal to find out the anticipated graduation date (too many tries). I submitted my scores on October 26, hopefully it is competitive enough to get accepted! Anyone else on here got a 90 percent or higher?
18 Posts
Someone told me of you go under my profile and see that you have an advisor for that program that's how you know you are in