Published Dec 14, 2016
723 Posts
There does not seem to be any formal teaching by the school nurse in my district. I'd like to change that. Not sure how though so I wanted to see how you gals (and guys) do it. A Wellness Fair for example? I know some of you have actual teaching responsibilities but I do not.
I'm at an elementary school which has no health class a middle school which does. The health teacher and I have already talked about my presenting to her classes. Now on what and how is where I'm stuck. Never done this before!
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
Can you talk with your admins about doing some classes with the elementary kids? How I started teaching was pretty simple: I had a friend that works with a sex education curriculum that my school helped develop years ago, asking me if we still taught it. We didn't and I wanted us to. I talked to my admin about seeing if I could help get certified and teach it. They were surprisingly onboard! After a year of teaching 7th and 8th grade, I talked with my HS principal and started developing a HS health curriculum to work with my schedule. I do work in a smaller school, however, and that may make a difference. may never know if you never ask or dig.
Supernrse01, BSN
734 Posts
A couple of years ago, I created newsletters that I try to send home with the students each month!.
MrNurse(x2), ADN
2,558 Posts
We had an AT that did health classes leave last year. I am developing curriculum for classes. I am starting a 6 part drug abuse unit for MS after break. Looking forward to it, but also wondering how I will be received, I am the fun nurse, not the teacher who wants discipline in class.
1,294 Posts
No formal teaching from me. I will go into classrooms talk about handwashing & we have our yearly puberty thing with the 5th graders but that is about all. Once a year we will hold a science night for the kids - I will break out my blacklight and glowing powder kit to demonstrate importance of handwashing but that is about as far as I go.
Last year I teamed up with the other elementary & middle school that feed into our local high school and we all put on a huge wellness fair - we had a great turnout but it was alot of work.