Brookhaven Fall 2010

U.S.A. Texas


Hi everyone. I just turned in my application for the THIRD time this morning! I'm really hoping that third time's a charm. Has anyone turned in their application yet?

Congrats on getting in Ed, Shabana,and Debbie!!

Does anyone know when and where we should start buying our scrubs and stethoscope? I know the books can be bought as a bundle. If anyone knows this info then please advise. Thanks!!

Holy cow Debbie you must have had a killer HESI score to have so many points and not be done with three classes. Kudos to you. :up:

I look forward to meeting you all.

Hi ames214...This is Shabana. What is your name? I am very happy that I got in the first time. I think I am going to have a lot of fun in the nursing school. Everyone sounds very friendly on this website. Hope to see you all very soon.

Specializes in NNICU.

Can't wait to meet you all! Amy when I spoke to *** the other day she said once everyone accepts or Denys then she will start sending emails out about scrubs,background checks, abd vaccines. To celerate I wanted to go buy some scrubs but I keep thinking she might be emailing us some kind of deal. Lol I will ask my friend that is in the program (first semster), and see if I can get any info for us all :)

Thanks, Holly! I carried a B forward in English (from my previous college years) so that HESI helped carry me!

I can't wait to meet everyone also!

Hey everyone, after you replied to ***'s email to accept, did you get any kind of confirmation email back from her? I didn't and was wondering if anyone has gotten anything like that. I'm just a little paranoid...just hoping she's gotten my acceptance reply. Still waiting for any news from her about success camp, books, etc...

Specializes in home health- pediatrics.

I am waiting to find out if there are any alternate spots open! I think she has been pretty busy getting everything ready now that she has her confirmations- also it's the end of the semester and she has a lot to do for the current students. I don't think you should worry yet, and you could probably call or email to verify that they received your email! :o) Congrats! BTW, I looked into Dallas Nursing Institutes new ADN program, doeas anyone know anything about it? It looks good on paper but feels a bit shady...

I haven't heard anything back either after accepting my spot. I was a little worried too, good to know that I'm not the only one :) Can't wait to hear what comes next...

Specializes in NNICU.

I had not heard anything either after accepting my spot so I called yesterday and she asked me my name and then said "yep I got it". She said she was busy with this semester ending and a graduating class. Can't wait to find out more info, trying to keep busy and not think about it. :p

Hi PHProvy.... Don't worry you are not the only one. I actually went down there & they told me that they haven't emailed anyone yet. We will all be getting group emails from now on. So if one will get the email, everyone will get the same email. She also said that she has received everyone email. So you are in a good shape.. Good Luck & see you soon. Bye

Specializes in NNICU.

Hi all! Check out my new post. I thought I would start a new one for all the people who got in.

Brookhaven Fall 2010 students - Nursing for Nurses

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