British trained Paediatric Nurse. Can I work in the USA??


Was wondering if anyone can help.

I am a british trained Paediatric Nurse (RN Child part 15 NMC) and while reading through the International section of the RCN jobs bulletin, i see that an advert for OGrady Penton says that we are now eligible for greencard processing.

Is this true? or am i seeing things!

Always understood it to be only general trained nurses that could apply?

Can anyone else shed some light on this???



Was wondering if anyone can help.

I am a british trained Paediatric Nurse (RN Child part 15 NMC) and while reading through the International section of the RCN jobs bulletin, i see that an advert for OGrady Penton says that we are now eligible for greencard processing.

Is this true? or am i seeing things!

Always understood it to be only general trained nurses that could apply?

Can anyone else shed some light on this???



Please check out the other threads here and do not rely on what an agency is telling you. You must have hours in all of the required areas to be able to even sit for the exam, you will have hours to make up if you did not have them in school.

Also please check out the cancellation policy of any contract for any is a large sum of money.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

the other thing that worries me with them saying this is state BON's they have their requirements which are hours in all areas so how can OGP say paed nurses say they can immigrate if BON's won't except transcripts due to you being short of hours as the only way to work as a nurse in the US is passing NCLEX and if short of hours you won't be able to sit the exam :confused:

Specializes in renal,peritoneal dialysis, medicine.
Please check out the other threads here and do not rely on what an agency is telling you. You must have hours in all of the required areas to be able to even sit for the exam, you will have hours to make up if you did not have them in school.

Also please check out the cancellation policy of any contract for any is a large sum of money.

especially the contract with that particular company, its quite alot

Specializes in med/surg.

Someone posted about this on the UK forum too (she too had seen the OGP ad) if I understood her post correctly she seemed to say that they told her you could qualify with the requisite hours if those hours were paed based - eg paed psych for the psych hours etc. She said she'd had it confirmed by immigration but as yet has not provided a link for that.

Personally I'd be very cautious unless you see it in black & white on the US BON websites etc. I'd be even more wary because it's an agency that's saying it!! There's also nothing about it on the CGFNS site as yet either.

Someone posted about this on the UK forum too (she too had seen the OGP ad) if I understood her post correctly she seemed to say that they told her you could qualify with the requisite hours if those hours were paed based - eg paed psych for the psych hours etc. She said she'd had it confirmed by immigration but as yet has not provided a link for that.

Personally I'd be very cautious unless you see it in black & white on the US BON websites etc. I'd be even more wary because it's an agency that's saying it!! There's also nothing about it on the CGFNS site as yet either.

Smell something fishy there right away. Immigration has absolutely nothign to do with licensing. They only want to see a Visa Screen Certificate, anything else, and they have nothing at all to do with it. Anytime tha tI see informatino coming from somepkace that has nothing at all to do with this, my radar goes off.

And an agency cannot change the requirements of a state BON. They make their rules that others need to follow........not the agency.

Specializes in med/surg.

:yeahthat: I think it's very wrong of OGP to play on people's hopes like this. When we voiced our concerns on the UK site you could all but hear the OP deflating!

At this moment in time you HAVE to be general trained with adequate hours in med/surg, paeds, obstetrics, psychiatry, community health etc both theory & practice. There seems to be no change to this policy at this time.

The moral of the story - check everything an agency tells you out properly first before believing it or acting on it.

Specializes in renal,peritoneal dialysis, medicine.

i would imagine that you can be registered on part 15 of the register, but if you had the older style training you would have done enough adult/matty/mental health nursing in the common foundation bit to cover the hours required

i think thats what it means anyway

One thing i will say is that i dont think anyone understands the rollarcoaster immigration to the USA is, so many ups and downs its frightening, the most important thing is to make sure that as much research is done as possible before starting any of it or signing anything with any company, no matter who they are, and remember that people usually only share the bad stuff, not the good, as its the bad that sticks out the most

Specializes in med/surg.

:yeahthat::yeahthat::yeahthat: again!

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