Published Jan 17, 2010
79 Posts
Is anyone waiting for acceptance letter for Fall 2010? Do I have a good chance with a 3.9 GPA & an 80% TEAS scores? I am so nervous now.
50 Posts
Yeah I'm waiting reply. I had my interview on the 30th of dec. They said I won't find out till the end of feb. I was worried I didn't get a high enough score on my teas but I got 75.3% adjusted ind. score and she I did more than well to be accepted. She also said it's not just passing the teas. The interview and your writing piece are all huge factors and they will be accepting in district first than go outward from there. Where you from? I'm getting kinda anxious too. I just want to know if I got in or not. Are you applying anywhere else?
Sorry wrong school. I thought you were talking about Bristol Plymouth
LOL, I thought I am missing something because you are talking about an interview and essay because BCC doesn't require those stuff. Anyway, I come from Thailand and I wish you the best of luck!!
90 Posts
I applied and I am WAITING!! Not sure when they send out the letters. Do you? I think that you have a very good chance of getting in. Good luck!
The dean of admissions says btwn Feb and May, but the director of nursing says btwn March and May. I don't think they will send the letters out in Feb. I think we might get our letters in mid March and May, but should not over May.
Thanks and I hope to see you in NUR11 class!!
76 Posts
I have applied as well.. I got a 89.4% on the TEAS and hope to see you all in NUR11!! :)
:yeah: Good job!
74 Posts
Hi - good luck on getting into the nursing program at BCC. I wanted to see if you could answer this question as there are so many conflicting responses I've been getting.
What are the 10 pre-reqs that will make you competitive to get into the nursing program at BCC?
Thank in advance!
Eng 11
Psy 51
Psy 52
Micro 39
Eng 12
Math 10 or 25
Speech 11
Thanks! I'm in A&P I now and plan on taking A&P II in the summer if they offer it. Do you know if Speech is required now or it can be any elective such as Coping with Life and Death. I heard that but not sure if that is factual.
The elective courses vary.. you can choose different ones if they satisfy different requirements. Here is a link to the pdf that lists the competencies.
and the 10 classes are:
BIO 33 - A&P I
BIO 34 - A&P 2
BIO 39 - Microbiology
ENG 11 - Comp I
ENG 12 - Comp II
PSY51 - General Psychology
PSY52 - Child Development
HST 11 OR HST 12
Humanities Elective - Can be any class under the 6.0 on the competencies list I posted a link to above.
Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning Elective - Can be any class under 4.0 above
I am going to take A&P2 if it's offered in the summer as well!
53 Posts
I am in the program. yes you can take death and dying. it is much more valuable for your studies than speech. i took speech and it is useless for what i am doing.