braggard in the classroom

Nursing Students General Students


Ok....I have to deal with this fellow student nurse who CONSTANTLY brags about her grades. It is great that she has an A averag, but she does not have a job, she lives with her parents, she has no bills or responsibilities. Her parents are older, her mother is actually retired, so they give her whatever she wants. I understand she wants people to know how well she is doing, but how much is too much bragging? I do not want to see her get hurt, but it has gotten crazy.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Telemetry, Stepdown, ICU.

I think these kind of people exist in every classroom known to man, woman, and beast. Brush it off and focus on what you can control. I was a straight A student before this semester, but I'm not going to be enjoying that this semester. Be proud of what you achieve and share in the successes of others in class. Remember: It's impossible to truly compare yourself to students who do not share your lifestyle and situation, so keep that in mind.

I guess the reason why it really bothers me because 1 she sits directly behind me in class 2 she asks me daily what my grades are 3 I have clinical with her, and what do you think she talks about during lunch? 4 she calls me almost daily, and guess what she asks me questions about? 5 When we are with other students and they talk about how broke they are or how they need new clothes or something but say they can't afford it, what do you think her reply is? Yes, it gets annoying, especially when she follows me around constantly..........

Specializes in Day Surgery, Agency, Cath Lab, LTC/Psych.

It sounds like you need to set limits with her. Be more vague in your responses. When she flat out asks you what your grade was you can respond, "I'm doing fine in class but I don't like telling everyone my grades." You may want to call her on the insensitive remarks to other classmates who may not be as well off. A gentle reminder to her when you both are alone is definitely in order.

Specializes in 2 years as CNA.
Well, I am glad she is doing well, because I really would not like to have to deal with the other end of the extreme....but, she will ask me my grade, then, of course her grade comes out as na na nananana!! If someone who does not generally make A's in the class states that they got an A, she always has to say she got a higher A. It is not just grades, it is everything, her family has money, she gets anything she wants, blah blah blah, and she always tends to brag about things when others are down. Of course I do not say anything to her, I just smile and say "that is so good." Yet she is not willing to help anyone with studying, and she has made that very clear.........I don't need to say anything to her, she will be working with real nurses who are well "seasoned" and I believe her bragging problem will be "nipped" once and for all. Besides, her daddy may buy her everything, and her mom may come to the school and complain to the DON about her daughter should get to choose her clinical site because she does not want to drive all the way to a certain location, or that that the instructor is not lecturing throrough enough because her precious daughter is not getting 100's on every test like she did last semester, but mom and dad cannot get her a job.........

I do understand that you are just venting and I can feel your pain. But I wanted to point out that sometimes mom and dad can get their kids a job! These so-called helicopter parents are popping up more commonly now. Companies have even gone so far as to have a parent's day, where parents can come visit the work place! I have read several articles on this and her is one for example.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

people who do this have very little self-esteem and this is their dysfunctional way of trying to get some. they are seeking recognition with the only ammunition they have--things that they see as being as good as or better than others. it is their dysfunctional way of getting attention and being noticed. they don't know any other way. you really need to feel sorry for people like this because they are seeking from strangers what they cannot get in their private lives. they need your pity more than anything. you are the one who this person really admires. in her own dysfunctional way she is trying to belong and be a part of what you have and unknowingly only making herself despised and looking way worse. you must not have had the psychology class on that yet.

Its your option to interact with this person you know. :p

I guess the reason why it really bothers me because 1 she sits directly behind me in class 2 she asks me daily what my grades are 3 I have clinical with her, and what do you think she talks about during lunch? 4 she calls me almost daily, and guess what she asks me questions about? 5 When we are with other students and they talk about how broke they are or how they need new clothes or something but say they can't afford it, what do you think her reply is? Yes, it gets annoying, especially when she follows me around constantly..........

I would be very annoyed with her to. I'm annoyed with the folks in my class who are so nosy and are so persistent in find out everyone elses grades, then those who sit and spread crazy rumors about other students, faculty etc.., those who talk while the teacher is lecturing, those who ask questions that have nothing to do with the class, but ask anyway just b/c they love to hear themselves talk :rolleyes: It's so hard dealing with annoying people in nursing school. It's not like we see these people once a week like we did in prereq classes. We see these people several days a week, spend all day with them in clinicals, labs etc...After a while the annoying behavior from the same set of people becomes a bit overwhelming. I am at the end of my rope with a few folks in my class. I am going to have to start distancing myself for real.

Specializes in acute care.

I absolutely agree.

A person cannot be a braggart if she has no one who will listen to the bragging.

If you refuse to become a part of the audience, the bragging will cease.

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