bottom of the totem pole-new student


Specializes in n/a.

Hello, I am new in this forum. and I am also a new student at our community college. I have been a homemaker raising my kids all these years. My youngest is in high school and I am now 43. I want to pursue my career as an RN hopefully as Practitioner specializing in Neonatal. This is a big dream for me. Right now I will be attending my second semester this spring working on my gen ed courses. After looking over my college's ADN requirements, I realized that I am at the bottom of the totem pole before I can even start enrolling on the pre-req courses. It will take my 2 years before I can even get started on my pre-reqs and another 2 for the nursing program which will give me 6 years for ADN. My question is: is there an accelerated path to get my gen ed completed so I can start working on my pre-reqs. Would there be any colleges that offer this type of program? I feel I don't have much time here. My 2nd question is: If its' going to take me 4 years to getting my ADN, I might as well go for a BSN since its going to take the same amount of time. From my BSN, I would like to continue my educ for my masters in order to reach my ultimate goal. That is a long stretch but I just want to concentrate on which is the fastest way to get my degree and start working as an RN. I am giving myself 4-5 years to get my ADN. I think this is reasonable. Any advice is appreciated.

I think you're really wise. Why waste 4 - 5 years on a two year degree when you can get the bachelor's in the same amount of time!

Being older will help you in school. I went back late, at 52, and have never regretted it.

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

My first thought as well was if its going to take you that long, why not a BSN? Our situations are fairly similar. I am 40, although my youngest is 10. I started my pre-reqs by taking 2 classes last semester. I am planning to have all my pre-reqs done by the end of the Summer of 2010, my pre-nursing classes done by the following year (pt only to get in-state rates) and start my last 2 years FT for my BSN in the fall, with graduation in the Spring of 2013. So just about 4 1/2 years for me, barring any unforeseen setbacks - like not getting in, lol.

Our local CC offers a 2 yr ADN, but I wanted my BSN, although I may not go for my MSN, I want that degree (only regret was to leave school before I got my degree 20+ yrs ago). I am taking my classes online (through the same CC) in preparation of a move to another state where I will be applying for their nursing program. You may want to consider the online option, like me. I can't take the time to go to the CC because I home school the kids and my schedule must be flexible. They show up on the transcripts as regular classes and I am able to take them during spring, summer, and fall semesters...making up classes that I lose doing it PT.

Whatever you chose, don't worry about age, or kids or going back to school - you can do it, which ever path you choose!!

Specializes in ICU.

I agree with the others - go for the BSN!! You will never regret having too much education! Good luck!

Specializes in n/a.

Hi everyone, thanks for your posts of encouragement. sometimes I think, gosh, I am 43 and think its a little late to be doing this. But I also know that nothing is ever too late. besides, what is another 5-6 years of getting a good education? it will only sharpen the mind, give you a sense of well-bieng because you know that you are doing something good for yourself as well as for others. And yes, I am excited and a little nervous about this new found journey. Sand dollar- the online courses is a very good idea. I will seriously think of adding 2 more courses since I am on Math and biol and Lab in campus. My 2 other days off school could be used at home- homeschooler, like you and your kids.LOL...Again thanks for your posts. looking forward to getting to know you. This is a great place to start familiarizing yourself to the world of Nurses....Yesss!

Oh P.S. any other ideas to accelarate me gen ed studies would help.

Have a great day!

Specializes in ICU.

Someone once told me - "You will be 40 whether you are a nurse or not. Why not go for it?" I have always remembered this. We only get a short time on this earth, we may as well make the most of it and accomplish all we can in our time here. I don't want to be 80 and say, "I wish I had done ....." Good luck to you!!

Oh, and have you thought of taking a few online courses to help knock out the gen ed. requirements faster? Most English and history courses can be taken online.

Reading post like these are really encouraging. I've been working part time and

a mom

(sorry my son was on my lap and sent it) I'm a mom also of a 4 year old. He's 4

now, we want another one, but I also want to get into nursing school. I'm almost 28 and was thinking I should have started these pre reqs 2 years ago

when I first wanted too! But whatever. From what I've been seeing on the forum the list to get in to the JC's are 2 years so I'm not gonna put off having

another til I'm done because that could be 6 years. I'm in CNA class now, and

taking Chem and Anatomy. My job really slowed down, so I'll have time to


Specializes in n/a.

la mama, what you are doing is just fine with your baby and all. I could have kicked myself in the head when I was home all these 18 years that I could have been taking 1 class of general studies while raising our 4 kids. . At least this would have cut my time shorter. But no sense in looking back. Plan your time well. For now, being with your baby(ies) is priority-If you don't mind rushing your education. It is good you are taking those courses, even if it is just one per semester. It's better to be the tortoise-less stress, less anxiety, while you are taking care of your family.But all things will work out. Everything just takes time.

Have a great day


Just out of curosity, why is it going to take you 2 years before you can start pre-reqs?

When you say general education courses are you talking about college level or non credit courses? I am not sure if there is a way to speed anything up rather than taking as many classes at once, that you can handle. I have taken several classes online and loved it (Nutrition, History, English Comp I & II, PSY I & II--the easy classes). What I did was mapped out which classes I was going to take each semester and never paired two hard classes together. I have only taken 2 classes per semester thus far. By the time I graduate I will have been going to school for 5 years.

Have you met with an advisor at your school?

And how will going for your BSN take the same amount of time as ADN? It is my understanding that ADN comes before BSN and that if it will take you 4 years to get your ADN then getting a BSN will take 5 or 6 years, depending on whether or not you enter an Accelerated BSN program.

Sorry if it sounds like I am grilling you, I just feel as though you have been misinformed. You said you were new and I just want to help.

I have one kid (4.5) I am taking Chem, Anatomy & CNA classes ... all at a local

community college. I am going to take Physio and Micro this summer & hopefully

work as a CNA this summer. This spring I am applying for a low cost LVN program. If I don't get in, maybe my son will have a sibling soon and I can play

the two year waiting game to get into an affordable school in Southern Cali.

Specializes in Pedi Rehab,Pediatrics, PICU.

Had I known it'd take just as long I'd defnitely would've gotten a BSN... If I could've afforded it anyways...Took 3.5 yrs w/ prereqs and lost 1 semester with admission playing around (didn't move my app to appropriate location). Would've definitely been worth it to do an extra semester and get the BSN I'm gonna have to get anyway. By the time I got into the program I really had only nursing courses to take.

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