has anyone ever gone to a BON meeting? and really listened.
wow it is UNREAL, what this board is doing.
Going after nurses to silence them to help out hospitals.
if anyone knew how boards operated they would NEVER get into nursing.
I know this is greek if you havent been through the ringer.
When they dont have a case they use "experts" which is a high paid hack to find something, in your past, it is down right sickening.
I hope every nurse out there starts a second career, has LOTS of malpractice insurance, and never signs a conseng agreement ! that is plea bargain. dont do it you can do your own admin law case. It is all a scam. The BON can post 'factual findings" on a nurse when they are all lies, taken out of context, they have their croonies who will lie, When caught in lies, they still put their strange comments on the web . take my advise I which someone would have told me. the web site above tells it all.