BIO 202 & 205


Would it be absolutely crazy to sign up for both BIO202 and 205 for the same semester? I'm currently signed up for 202 for fall 2015 and I'm highly considering adding 205. Has anyone done it before? Am I absolutely crazy?

I knew a couple of people in my 205 that did that and they made it through it. I don't know how difficult it was for them, but I know 205 is no joke.

202 is a lot of memorization to me and 205 you have to really understand the processes of things.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

I took them separately but I think you could do them together and be successful if you have the time needed to commit to studying for both of those classes at the same time.

202 was easier than 201 to me because it was more about the application of knowledge and processes of things. 205 was not overly difficult to me either but both of them did take study time.

So if you can manage your time effectively I say go for it.

I did both at the same time and I got an A in both! You just have to time manage. You can definitely do it!

It depends on where you are taking the course. I probably wouldn't do both online at Rio at the same time. But in person is defiantly doable. I thought Bio 205 was an easy in person course, and I took it at the same time as Bio 201 and pathophys. But again, only you know your limits. If you struggled a lot in Bio 201 then maybe you should dedicate more time to Bio 202, but if you got an A, you should be fine with both.

I took 201 during an 8 week summer session and wanted to die. It was this summer. I somehow pulled off a B. But it was a nightmare. We had class Monday through Thursday from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. I don't want to experience that again! But if I somehow get into the nursing program for Spring 2016, I will have to take 205 during the summer and I am really not wanting to do another class like 201 during the summer again!

Do it this semester it's definitely doable. What school are you doing it at?

It honestly depends on where you are taking it, and who you are taking it with. I made sure to do my research on professors before picking a class. I ended up taking courses at different colleges because of this. But I have learned that you want to have a professor that fosters learning and actually wants you succeed in the class over one that prides his or herself in being the hardest class West of the Mississippi.

I think it varies on what classes you are taking along with 202/205. I took 205 over a short summer session..I believe a 5wk and it was a breeeze, and I took it along with two other 5wk humanities classes, so don't fear the summer 205! However, I think if you are doing juuuust 202/205 together, because they are both slightly more demanding classes, its definitely possible. One professor told me her 202 has an 80% passing rate versus 201 with 40% or so.

I took 201 and 205 in the same semester. I got As in both. Definitely doable, you'll be great!

One professor told me her 202 has an 80% passing rate versus 201 with 40% or so.

So if my math serves me right, she only had about 30% of students make it through both of her classes? That is pretty rough...

I think that 202 is slightly easier than 201. But the lower passing rate in 201 is only because it is weeding people out. If you can make it through 201, you can more than likely make it through 202.

Yeah those are the numbers she used but idk how accurate they are. And yep that's the same validation I used :) I personally found 202 waaay easier!

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