which is better? 2 or 4 year RN for SE MI

U.S.A. Michigan


I am looking at getting into a nursing program and am trying to find out which is better. I already have some pre-reqs. I am wondering what is the difference in schooling, pay and advancement. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Please do a search on this forum, already many threads to the same topic.....

I went to a hospital program in SE Michigan and have never once had a problem with working where I wanted to work.

It will come down to how long of a wait that you are willing to go with. My suggestion is to go with where you can get in first........... :)

You can always take other classes at a later date, and paid for by your employer..........

I live in SE Michigan, I found that I will finish my 4 yr program in about the same amount of time as an ADN program with the waitlist at my local CC. I am choosing to go to a private school, so that cuts down on the waitlist, I have heard some scary things about Eastern and U of M as far as waitlists, pre req grade requirements and vary large class sizes.

I am not sure there is such a thing anymore. It is more like 5-8 year wait, then a degree. I am from SW MI. and I relly do not see a difference in pay or advancement. The only are that it makes a difference is if you want to pursue management. Even then they are wanting to have MSN or MSN prepared now.

I am looking at getting into a nursing program and am trying to find out which is better. I already have some pre-reqs. I am wondering what is the difference in schooling, pay and advancement. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I am currently a full time student at Wayne County Community College, I am finishing up my last pre req class needed to apply to our nursing program. WCCCD accepts 120 students twice a year. I will apply in August for the Spring 06 semester. The tuition is very reasonable, if your in district it is 54 dollars a credit hour. I am also weighing in the options of transferring to U of M or Eastern U as a Sophmore. It would only be one semester longer to graduate with my BSN. Some people do not prefer to obtain their BSN. I personally would like to have it, but need to be working also. I am going to see what happens in August with the nursing program at WCCCD. There is no waiting list by the way, they go by your gpa, NET scores. You should look into it.

I am currently a full time student at Wayne County Community College, I am finishing up my last pre req class needed to apply to our nursing program. WCCCD accepts 120 students twice a year. I will apply in August for the Spring 06 semester. The tuition is very reasonable, if your in district it is 54 dollars a credit hour. I am also weighing in the options of transferring to U of M or Eastern U as a Sophmore. It would only be one semester longer to graduate with my BSN. Some people do not prefer to obtain their BSN. I personally would like to have it, but need to be working also. I am going to see what happens in August with the nursing program at WCCCD. There is no waiting list by the way, they go by your gpa, NET scores. You should look into it.

I had to make a correction. University of Detroit Mercy has offered an attractive financial aid package and I am going to take them up on it. Anyone out there a student of this school or former nursing student from UDM?

They have an excellent program................and a very good CRNA program as well.

Good luck with your studies................

They have an excellent program................and a very good CRNA program as well.

Good luck with your studies................

Thanks, that is great to hear! From what I have read on their website and their letters to me, the program sounds wonderful. They even help you with a job in the summer and give you credit from the job towards your studies. They said they have 100 percent employment rate from their grads. It sounds like a great school.

I am going to be attending University of Detroit Mercy to obtain a second bachelors degree. I have one more pre-requisite to take and then I am in! I will be starting the nursing classes fall of 2006! Can you give me some more information on the financial aid that they offered you....It is a very expensive school but I have heard wonderful things about their nursing program so I think that it is going to be worth the money! Any information you can give would be very helpful! Thanks.

I'm moving to Ypsilanti in 2007, is any of the universities up that way any good?

I'm moving to Ypsilanti in 2007, is any of the universities up that way any good?

I attend the University in Ypsilanti. There is no waitlist as a previous poster replied in this forum. U of M does not have a wait list either. I think that is basically a CC thing. You are recommended to keep your GPA at 3.5 or above, but according to my research on other nursing schools, they all basically want that kind of a GPA also, be it CC or University. It is competitive in all nursing schools in Michigan.

I live in SE Michigan, I found that I will finish my 4 yr program in about the same amount of time as an ADN program with the waitlist at my local CC. I am choosing to go to a private school, so that cuts down on the waitlist, I have heard some scary things about Eastern and U of M as far as waitlists, pre req grade requirements and vary large class sizes.

Just wanted to correct you. There is not a waiting list at Eastern or U of M. Don't know who told you that, but it is not true. As for GPA, most nursing schools are expecting you keep your GPA at 3.5 or higher. The two private schools in the area are Madonna and U of D Mercy, both are extremely expensive, like 10 grand a semester, so there are pro's and con's to every nursing program. At Eastern the tuition is much cheaper and the class sizes are not big as you have heard.

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