Best Ivy Tech Online Courses

U.S.A. Indiana


Can anyone tell me which pre-req/co-req courses I should take online through which campuses. For example: I've been told several times that it's easier to take ANP101 online through the Terre Haute campus. Surely someone has advice on others. :) I have faith that you guys can help me out! Thank you so much for all of your help in advance. :bow:

i took every pre-req online except advanced physiology which was not offered online. i took all of them through the terre haute campus. did not find any of them intimidating. you just have to be very self-disciplined and basically teach yourself!

that's pretty awesome! so how did you like taking ap i and ii online? i'm thinking about that right now, but i'm not sure if that's the way to go. i guess i'm sort of worried about labs and how that would work...any suggestions????

i'm going to be starting 2 online classes math and eng comp the 21st of next month. i really can't wait to begin actually.

anyway, thanks for the useful information! :redpinkhe

triple l's (live-laugh-love)

I liked it better online than going to campus! You did have to go to campus for tests and the one time big lab. The other labs were virtual online from your home computer. The final was on all the at home labs.

i liked it better online than going to campus! you did have to go to campus for tests and the one time big lab. the other labs were virtual online from your home computer. the final was on all the at home labs.

that's so cool! i like the idea of not going on campus for all my classes. i dunno, maybe it's just the fact of being in your own home while you're doing your classes that makes it so nice. just think, you can attend an online class in your pj's!:yeah::yeah::yeah:a starbucks right beside you and you're really to rock -n-roll! (lol) thanks for the great information! i really love this site!!:heartbeat:heartbeat

Specializes in MICU - CCRN, IR, Vascular Surgery.
I liked it better online than going to campus! You did have to go to campus for tests and the one time big lab. The other labs were virtual online from your home computer. The final was on all the at home labs.

My ANP 102 from Summer 2008 was different. We covered 4 chapters every 2 weeks. The first test was open book at home. Then a cumulative midterm on campus with a proctor. Third exam was open book at home. Fourth test was the cumulative final over everything. If you did not score a 65% or higher you got an F ON YOUR REPORT CARD NO IFS AND OR BUTS. Labs were all done at home, mostly on the computer, and we have quizzes over each lab online. We also had discussion boards due for each section.

I wish I'd taken it in class personally.

how many classes at one time did you all take?

i don't want to feel like i'm doing too much, but i also don't want to feel like i'm not taking enough classes. to begin with, i'm only taking 2 classes (online) i thought that would be good since i've been out of school for so long. i want to add more classes in the spring, but i'm not sure how many i should take, so i don't feel stressed out. any suggestions???

After being out of school for 34 years, I took 12 semester hours at first. I believe the second semester was 9, and then 6...had to stretch out to wait for the grant help.

i have 2 classes that begin on the 21st for 8 weeks. then i'll move onto more hours i think. at least that's the plan for now! (lol)

have a great weekend everyone! :D

ENG112 was super easy online. I took it through Richmond. It was basically a discussion board format and we had to contribute to discussion and turn in papers. Easy A.

eng112 was super easy online. i took it through richmond. it was basically a discussion board format and we had to contribute to discussion and turn in papers. easy a.

i'm taking eng 112 on the 21st (online), so i hope it's like your online class and it isn't too tough. :p

Specializes in OB, ER, Med-Surg, School Nurse.

I'm working on my BSN now. I have taken Phil 100 through Madison....Pretty easy....would recommend it.

Specializes in DD, HHC, Med Surg, PCU, Resource.
I'm working on my BSN now. I have taken Phil 100 through Madison....Pretty easy....would recommend it.

I'm signed up for PHIL 100 for spring but am trying to decide between it and HIST 245 (I think that is the one). It is through Kokomo though. What can you tell me about the class? assignments? Papers? discussion boards?


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