Best Army Duty Station


I will be ranking my choices for my first duty station soon and I am looking for some advice on which locations you all have enjoyed and why! The possible locations are the following:






LRMC (Germany)




Any experience with these locations or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

If I could pick any of those, I would take Landstuhl — I was never stationed there as an Army nurse, but I grew up there as a military brat. :) Any MEDCEN will provide you with an excellent and varied beginning, truly. SAMMC (San Antonio) is also fabulous. I commissioned as an experienced ER nurse, so I had smaller hospitals as my choices. I know people who have loved DDEAMC (Ft. Gordon) as new nurses.

Crazy thing we were only stationed at two bases ft Riley and camp lejeune.. My husband just recently retired .. But a base I wish we were probably would be ft hood

Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

It all depends on what you want. Fort Polk is a good example. If you love a rural country life it's great but if you are a city person than Ft Sam or Walter Reed, dry desert area Ft Hood, Carson etc. Where you will be working also makes a difference. Right now at Ft Bragg I Am on second call 1-4 times a month and rarely get called in. But if I was at West Point I would be on call around 50% plus in the OR.

Germany gets old IMO, the travel is great but after 6-8 months you will get bored.

IMO, Carson, Sam Houston, Lewis and Richardson are the best posts. Hawaii is overrated.

I was stationed at DDEAMC for 8 years. I was involved in the move from the old WWII hospital to the then new med cen. Augusta is a great town. Ft Gordon is a beautiful post. You will be only 2 hrs from the beaches or Atlanta. I then worked as a civilian RN at WRAMC before it merged with Bethesda and worked at Bethesda before the merge when the NICUs were combined. It is s great hospital, but as a new RN I would find it a little overwhelming. You also have to adjust to a busy metropolitan area and traffic around the hospital can be horrendous. My choice would be DDEAMC. I was a new grad when I first got there.

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