Being The Patient SUX!!


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

How is it that I can know so much as a nurse, and then when I'm the patient I turn stupid??

I'm scheduled for a parathyroid scan next Friday, and it just occurred to me that a) I don't know anyone who's ever had one, and b) I have NO idea what I'm in for.......other than IV dye, which is intimidating enough since I'm such a tough stick. Do any of you know what all is involved here? I'm told it's going to be a two-part procedure requiring two separate injections, and I'm supposed to be prepared to spend most of the day at the hospital; what on earth do they do all this time, and what type of equipment is involved??

The other question is for those of you who've had a lap chole: How long did it take you to get back to work after this surgery? I know there's not supposed to be any lifting for awhile, but I'm completely out of vacation/sick time, and I'll need to get back to work ASAP once I get this done. I'm seeing a surgeon next week to lay the the meantime, I'm living on Phenergan and lowfat/low cholesterol/low taste foods in order to keep the peace.

Thanks for any answers you can give me!

Specializes in ER, ICU, Infusion, peds, informatics.

ok, i had a thyroid scan done a few years ago.....probably similar. mine was a nuc med test, hence the need to stay a long time (actually, i think mine was a two-day test).

it wasn't bad at all. i just had to hold really really still while the machine was scanning my thyroid.

they didn't actually start an iv, just did a direct push of the dye into my ac vein with a very small needle.

good luck

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

parathyroid scan

re lap chole

6th day post op oversaw boy scout eagle dinner for 100 persons: last 3 hours before heading home exhausted

following weekend worked from home taking homecare referrals: up and down alot answering phones and faxing--two days to get back on my feet and have decreased pain. perocet lasted 4 1/2hrs max. slept in highback chair for a week.

was able to return to office position after 3 weeks. took 3 months to feel like myself. still with gi intolerance to some foods 9 months later.

dad wanted to mow the lawn on postop day 4. mom was ok in 2 weeks. each of us is different.

will pm you. wishing you good luck.

Specializes in Hospice.

Thanks Karen! That was a great link and a wonderful post, as usual.


My lap chole was sort of a emergent situation. I had gone to the doctor because I thought I had an ulcer. After numerous test and puking in the office, I left with a prescription for heartburn meds. After throwing up in line at the pharmacy trying to fill my prescription, I headed to ER.

They took more blood and started my first IV ever. I was scared to death. After laying in the ER for about 3 hours, they came back and told me I was critical. My bilirubin level was elevated and I had a case of pancreatitis. Straight into surgery I go, still scared to death! :crying2:

Needless to say, I was up and walking the day of surgery. I still had pancreatitis so I was on IV demerol and phenergan. I spent 4 days in the hospital. After that, it took about a week of bedrest at home to start feeling better. The worst part was the incision in my chest between my breasts. I don't think they do an incision there any more. (This was back in Feb of 1996). I was back to work after that. Nothing too stressful, this was when I worked in fast food to put myself through college. :chuckle

Not sure this info will help, but sometimes it just feels good to share my experience as a patient. :rolleyes:

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Thanks to all who've posted..........I do appreciate the info! :)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Never had one of those done, but I do want to wish you the best of luck. Everything will be great you will see. :)

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