Being a nursing student

Nurses Humor


This story is not about me...this happened during one of our exams. Here goes::devil:

- A proctor asked a student where to find the PMI (point of maximum impulse) using his stethoscope...

guess where the student placed it? On his forehead!!!

- A student is to perform Catheterization on a female, he was giving the woman instructions before he would start the procedure, and this is what he said, "Gud morning ma'am, I will we your nursing student for today,before I start my procedure could you please urinate in the CR first"

- One time we were having a return demonstration about BP (blood pressure) taking, the student - after doing the procedure and felt it was right - told the professor that the BP was 120/80 mmhg. The professor asked "Are you sure?" the student replied "Yes sir, absolutely sure"... the professor then said, "Ok very well, but please put the earpiece of your stethoscope in your ears." hahahahaha

I forgot the others but when I do get to remember them i will surely post it...if you have other student memories kindly pls share it too :lol2:

O wow .. it's not just my class that has the class idiot. I actually have a list of people who are never allowed to care for me should I end up in the hospital, and half of my classmates are named on it. One of my friends joked about how she thought it was so incredible that she got accepted into the nursing program, till she met most of our classmates, and realized it wasn't so special afterall.

This same one who made the dumb comment about diabetes and juice bolus asked during psych nursing if when someone were to have a loss of self-esteem following an intense period of grief, would it ever be possible for them to get that self-esteem back? Or was it lost forever from their "self-loving" bank.

Years ago, as a student, on our 2nd clinical rotation one student was asked to place a foley. The other students were told to watch. All six of us circled the female pt's bed, a confused, but pleasent lady. She was placed in the "frog leg position" and the student started to set up the foley. The lady then grabed she knees and started rocking and hollered out "Yeah Ha Ride em Cowboy" We all exited the room quickly and laughed so hard we could hardly stand.

O wow .. it's not just my class that has the class idiot. I actually have a list of people who are never allowed to care for me should I end up in the hospital, and half of my classmates are named on it. One of my friends joked about how she thought it was so incredible that she got accepted into the nursing program, till she met most of our classmates, and realized it wasn't so special afterall.


I'm glad to know it's not just me who's figured this out!! A part of me wants to be sooo proud that I was accepted into the nursing program! I mean, seriously, I worked hard! But when I went to orientation - I was absolutely dumbfounded at some others who were also accepted. I guess it's not such a privilege after all! If they can't even stay focused and listen during orientation (and yes, there is such a thing as a stupid question!) on earth are they going to make it through this program!? And then another thought hit me - when I was getting worried about how hard it was going to be... I just reminded myself of some of the nurses I've seen - and I just tell myself that if they can do it, it can't be that bad!:uhoh3:

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.
"Can you give the dying pt's family anti anxiety meds?"

Actually, that's not a bad question, because a lot of places have protocols in place for that.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

We are on our second set of semester to go...doing an assignment on the care of the elderly post CVA. A question comes up about what interventions you could do to be sure your patient doesn't pocket his food? A fellow classmate, God Bless her, asks us cruiously...."Wouldn't you just look inside his pant pockets?" We're still laughing. Funny thing is she's really smart...I think this question just blind sided her.

Specializes in ER; HBOT- lots others.

all the posts keep saying something about getting into the nursing program and the students being dumb. what about when you get to the end and you dont think they should have ever graduated?? that is my problem when i grad'ed!


Another student and I were asked to given this little old lady a bath to help out the aide. She was in her 90's and had broken her public bone. A very young, good-looking doctor came in while we were setting up. She was flirting with him the whole time. After he left, we mentioned the flirting. She informed us that if she was 20 years younger, we would have "gotten a piece of that;." When we went to reposition her to wash her peri area, she said "Now be careful with me. I have broken my lady parts." We are still laughing about that one.

On our first clinical experience, we had a student who had never been around patients before entering school. She was given her assignment and she walked into the room with confidence. She then came back out, her face was as white as a sheet and we asked her what was wrong. She stated that there was BM all over the place and she didn't know what to do! She then proceeded to the bathroom and vomited all over the bathroom!

Specializes in Psychiatric Nursing.

i love how everyone notes that these are stories not of them but by people they know.... come on people fess up! :yeah:

If one of my classmates threw a needle like that she would be out of the program.

Specializes in LTC, Subacute Rehab.

During school, while learning how to insert NG tubes, a fellow classmate (who ended up being kicked out for unrelated circumstances) asked "So... how would you give supplemental oxygen through an NGT?"

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.

Back during my LPN clinicals, there was one poor student who was just hanging on the edge of failing, and was a nervous wreck. The instructor told her she'd be giving an IM, her very first injection ever. Student comes over, tells me to come with her for moral support. Poor thing does everything right, does all the 5 rights, swipes with alcohol, sticks the pt in the arm, the pt screamed, and the student drops the needle (which is still hanging out of the pt's arm) and runs from the room. The instructor finished the injection, and the student was dismissed from the program that day.

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