Being a nursing student

Nurses Humor


This story is not about me...this happened during one of our exams. Here goes::devil:

- A proctor asked a student where to find the PMI (point of maximum impulse) using his stethoscope...

guess where the student placed it? On his forehead!!!

- A student is to perform Catheterization on a female, he was giving the woman instructions before he would start the procedure, and this is what he said, "Gud morning ma'am, I will we your nursing student for today,before I start my procedure could you please urinate in the CR first"

- One time we were having a return demonstration about BP (blood pressure) taking, the student - after doing the procedure and felt it was right - told the professor that the BP was 120/80 mmhg. The professor asked "Are you sure?" the student replied "Yes sir, absolutely sure"... the professor then said, "Ok very well, but please put the earpiece of your stethoscope in your ears." hahahahaha

I forgot the others but when I do get to remember them i will surely post it...if you have other student memories kindly pls share it too :lol2:

As most of you know there are 2 types of "old-style" thermometers, oral and rectal, only upon close scrutiny do you see the differences between the 2, especially if you are new and nervous. Well, we were on clinical rounds and the nurse handed the student next to me a thermometer from her pocket and instructed her to take the temperature of the patient in a certain room and bed. Well, the student had not come out of the room as promptly as the nurse thought was right and went in. About 2 seconds later she came out of the room red and laughing until I thought she was gonna pass out. The student came out with her head down and nearly in tears. Come to find out that when the nurse entered the room the student had the thermometer in the patient's MOUTH, only to find that it was and had frequently been used as a rectal thermometer...... OMG the poor student. The nurse didn't tell her until they were in the hallway what had happened as not to embarrass her or make the patient upset.

wow, Poor nursing student. I hope she was okay after that incident. That's why I always check anything before I use it. This includes thermometers! :)

Specializes in None.

Oh, this cracks me up. I've been reading funny stories for days. Nothing too hilarious has happened to me, but I'll tell you that some of the funniest people you will ever care for are the elderly.

When I was in the local LTC facility during my first ever clinical, (we were there for four weeks, then the hospital for four weeks). We had this lady, sweet as pie, who we called "the wanderer" because she liked to get out of her room and walk around the halls. I never heard her say a word, but I was always the one who took her back to her room.

I would link my arm through hers and try to engage her in conversation while walking her down the hall. She got into this weird habit, where anytime she'd see me, she'd push my glasses up on my nose and give me a big smile.

It cracked up anyone who saw it, 'specially that she did it all the time with me, and never said a word!

Oh, this cracks me up. I've been reading funny stories for days. Nothing too hilarious has happened to me, but I'll tell you that some of the funniest people you will ever care for are the elderly.

When I was in the local LTC facility during my first ever clinical, (we were there for four weeks, then the hospital for four weeks). We had this lady, sweet as pie, who we called "the wanderer" because she liked to get out of her room and walk around the halls. I never heard her say a word, but I was always the one who took her back to her room.

I would link my arm through hers and try to engage her in conversation while walking her down the hall. She got into this weird habit, where anytime she'd see me, she'd push my glasses up on my nose and give me a big smile.

It cracked up anyone who saw it, 'specially that she did it all the time with me, and never said a word!

wow! What an interesting pt. She would smile, but never say a word...

During my next to last clinical this semester in nursing school I had a very persistent old lady who didn't talk much unless it was to try and boss you around. After going around all day listening to her try to be my boss it was finally time for her beauty shop appointment. Well I started to walk beside her to her appointment and we got about half way there when she looked up at me and said:

"I smell ****, do you smell ****?"

I just smiled and said yeah I smell that. It was the funniest thing ever, I couldn't help but laugh. She is kind of a crabby old lady, but they say whatever comes to their mind.

Specializes in Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,.

One of the funniest things I have ever heard about a SN doing was one who was asked to check a pedal pulse . . . It had to be explained that a pedal pulse is not a "penile pulse" You can just use your imagination there . . . I wonder what the poor patient was thinking at that time . . . .

I had a friend once, she asked me to help her do a procedure, I was curious what it was because she asked me to be there. To my surprise, she was going to do penile prep for a male cath insertion. I was going to ask the patient if it was okay for me to be there, I couldn't say a word as I looked in his face, he was smiling so hard, as if seeing angels. I just stood away laughing, looking at the man smiling at my friend.. HAHAHAHAHA.. it scared me though

Specializes in med/surg, psych, public health.
I had a friend once, she asked me to help her do a procedure, I was curious what it was because she asked me to be there. To my surprise, she was going to do penile prep for a male cath insertion. I was going to ask the patient if it was okay for me to be there, I couldn't say a word as I looked in his face, he was smiling so hard, as if seeing angels. I just stood away laughing, looking at the man smiling at my friend.. HAHAHAHAHA.. it scared me though


^This reminded me of when I was assisting a nurse with a male cath insertion and there was a student nurse observing the procedure.

The patient was an elderly man with a delightful sense of humor, but this was the student's first encounter with him. She stood watching as the RN and I prepped him and then as the nurse was inserting the cath, the student looked amazed and suddenly blurted out, "How much further does that tubing go in?!" Before the nurse could answer, the man laughed and said, "About 100 feet."

Then I said, (because he had been a patient with us for a week and I was familiar with his sense of humor) "Just like a man....the other day I came in here to do vitals and he came out of the bathroom claiming the commode water was really cold."

The patient, the nurse and I laughed, but it took a few minutes for the student to get it. :wink2:

That is open. LOL.

The other day we were discussing diabetes in class, and a classmate asked as seriously as you can imagine if it would be appropriate to give fruit juice through an IV line with a patient has extreme hypoglycemia, because that might be faster than a bolus of D50. :no: i couldn't do anything but pick my jaw up off the floor when she asked the question.

We tend to have one woman who asks the most awful questions. Per a previous post, this is a repeat, but for those who didnt get the joy of reading them earlier, here are two questions she actually raised her hand and asked in front of the ENTIRE nursing program:

"Can your pt come back to life after being embalmed?"


"Can you give the dying pt's family anti anxiety meds?"

Don't ask me how some of us got into the program....:uhoh21:

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