Beckfield college

U.S.A. Kentucky


Does anyone know anything about Beckfield college in Florence KY? They have an RN program that I am looking into. My friend received her Paralegal degree there and liked it. The RN progam sounds really good. Appreciate any feedback. Thanks


I am curious as to what you are doing now - 5 years after your post. Did you complete the Nursing Program at Cincinnati State? Are you a nurse now?


When did you graduate from Beckfield's Nursing Program? Sounds like the school was not a good fit for you. Are you a Nurse now? Beckfield College had a 70% retention rate in the 2009-2010 academic period and their NCLEX-RN pass rate was 90% in 2010, NCLEX-PN pass rate was 95% in 2010.

If you did not complete the Nursing Program at Beckfield College, where did you attend and what was better for you there?

Beckfield College Florence Kentucky Campus offers LPN, RN and RN to BSN Programs.

The Tri-County Ohio Beckfield College does not offer any of these Programs at this time.

Beckfield College Florence Kentucky Campus is Accredited by the ACIS

(Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools)

Beckfield College Florence Kentucky Campus Nursing Programs are Approved by the KBN

(Kentucky Board of Nursing)

Beckfield College Florence Kentucky Campus is a member of the NLN-AC

(National League of Nursing Accreditation Commission) and is currently in the process of becoming Accredited by them. NLN "candidacy" is a step towrds NLN Accreditation. Candidacy status is itself a lengthy process. Just because the College is not listed as current "candidacy" on the website does not indicate that the process has not started.

Many people, when researching Nursing schools, get confused on the differences between Nursing Program Approval, overall School Accreditation and NLN Accreditation/Candidacy.

It's necessary to understand that these are 3 entirely separate forms of status.

The Kentucky Board of Nursing does not care if a Program is Accredited by the NLN, only that they - the KBN - have approved the School.

Beckfield College Tri-County, Ohio location does not offer any Nursing Programs at this time. Why would the Ohio Board of Nursing have any information on Programs that currently exist only in Kentucky?

UPDATE: 3/17/11 - Beckfield College Tri-County Ohio Campus is now offering the 15 month LPN Program (Approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing).

Beckfield College- waste of precious time and money!!! life is too short!!:mad:

When did you graduate from Beckfield's Nursing Program? Sounds like the school was not a good fit for you. Are you a Nurse now? Beckfield College had a 70% retention rate in the 2009-2010 academic period and their NCLEX-RN pass rate was 90% in 2010, NCLEX-PN pass rate was 95% in 2010.

If you did not complete the Nursing Program at Beckfield College, where did you attend and what was better for you there?

Beckfield College of Nursing in Florence Kentucky is absolutely ridiculous! Just because you sign your schedule does not mean that is the schedule you will get. I had an AM clinical and they changed it to an evening clinical several times throughout my academic year and tried to make it look like it was our fault. AND forget about knowing what clinical site you are going to because even if they know they wont tell you. One of the teachers reads verbatim off of the powerpoint and the other reads straight out of the book--EVERYDAY-- and has no general knowledge of what is being taught. I studied everyday for a class and had a 68 average on all my test, it was horrible. I left Cincinnati State with a 4.0 people! They will try to convince you to retake classes that you have already had at a previous college when you do not need to!! I would recommend any other college than this one. I have several peers having issues the same as mine. The assistant to the director of nursing is less than pleasant to say the least. She and the clinical coordinator will disturb your class to announce to the people who do not have their immunizations etc. up to date and talk to you like you are 3 years old even if the issue has no relation to you. I know of male students getting exceptions from instructors (ex. he did not pass and the instructor let him redo a 100% assignment) and not given to the female population on SEVERAL occasions. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT tell any of the faculty members of any personal circumstances. They will use them against you and judge you for it. I had the Director of Nursing trying to TELL me what to do with my realtionship and judging my morals, which I see unprofessional and borderline illegal to push on a student. When they said they give their students personal attention I did not see this as qualifying. Clinical instructors except 1 or 2 are hideously unprofessional. If you decide to go here I wish you the best.

I am curious as to what you are doing now - 5 years after your post. Did you complete the Nursing Program at Cincinnati State? Are you a nurse now?

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