BCIT nursing applicant August 2016 intake

World Canada CA Programs


Hello AN community! Can you please relieve my stress about having a chance to get in to BCIT? what gpa do I need? I admit I am not the perfect straight A student but I have work and volunteer experience so I am hoping my experience will support my acceptance - is that naive?

Not yet! I think the people who were accepted had two weeks to secure their spot, so I'm assuming two weeks after the acceptance letters were sent out is when we should start hearing back!

Hi guys! congrats all for getting in and good luck to those waitlisted! I am applying to the august intake of next year and since I am from France and will try transfer most credits from there, my GPA will include not only those but also the prerequisite courses I took at VCC in Canada, and I was wondering what your GPA took into account. Does it include high school grades (bio 11-12 + chem 11?) Those don't count as credits at VCC....Thanks for your help!

I asked the Nursing Dept.how far am I on the hold list. They said that I am in the top 20, and mentioned that 15-20 students withdraw prior to the first day of classes.

Hold list applicants should be hearing an update after May 5th, especially top 10 applicants on the list. So, never miss a phone call from BCIT.

Anything yet? Anyone?

Not yet! Hopefully soon

Hi all!

I've been on these forums for a while and decided to join in on the fun :) I am also waitlisted for the BCIT nursing program and recently contacted them. They told me I was in the top 20 as well. I guess all we can do is just play the waiting game for now...

Hey guys! I've been creeping this thread for quite a while considering it's the only one I could find for BCIT August 2016 specifically, and thought I'd finally join as well lol. I was placed in the top 10 on the hold list at the end of April, and got the call from Dina on Monday! Keep up hope you guys :)

Has anyone placed in the top 20 on the waitlist heard any news yet?

I asked last week and apparently 5 people didn't pay the commitment fee, so there's at least 5 spots that opened up. Maybe so people on the waitlist didn't accept when they were given an offer? Full tuition is due June 23, so we should hear more then.

Hey Guys,

I was top 10 on the wait list and I just got a call this morning to offer me a spot!

Look forward to meeting you all in the fall!

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