BCIT April/Sept 2018 Intake


For anyone applying what is your current gpa, relative work experience, previous degree?

Does anyone know if you should include a reference letter? If you do, will it hurt your application?

Hey, I'm entering Level 2 in August and I provided reference letters. As long as they are good and relevant I can't see how it would hurt.

Let me know if you have any questions and please feel free to check out the BCIT nursing student newsletter here Current Issue | The Scoop of Practice

How many reference letters did u include? And how was your GPA?

I think I included 2 reference letters. One from work ( I worked for a printing company in sales) and one from my volunteer experience at the seniors home.

My GPA is about 4.0. Most people's GPAs seem to range from 3.0-4.0. I have a Bachelors degree in music so I have a tonne of extra credits. I had a B+ in anatomy but had an A+ in psycology so I believe my pre-req GPA was around 4.0 too.

Any other questions?

Hi. This is my first time applying to any Nursing program. I submitted my application for the April 2018 intake just a couple days back. It was a little later when I realized how competitive the nature of this process is according to previous threads. So I hope more April 2018 applicants will share their knowledge and background in this thread as well.

I am applying with the following:

- Pre-req GPA of 3.45

- Additional post-secondary courses with CGPA of 3.3 and 4.0 at different institutions.

- No degree

- Work experience: Paramedic [bC Ambulance Service]

- Volunteer experience: St John Ambulance & Canadian Ski Patrol

- No reference letters

- I did attach scanned files of my work/volunteer ID

All the best to those in the process as well!

For anyone who has already submitted their application how did you complete the additional info? In full sentences or point form?

I left mine blank, but according to previous forums, people wrote a couple of sentences about him/herself.

Hello All,

I have completed my application for the January and April intake in one go and stated that I would like my application to count for both in the additional information of the applicant questionairre (As I was told I can do that from an advisor)

My Pre-Req GPA is 3.53/4.0 or 3.83/4.33

Overall GPA is more around 3.08 or so.

No previous health related experience. I am starting a Volunteer Position at VCH in a few weeks which I included in my additional info.

My experience on the questionairre is all work experience. Serving, Teaching/Instructing, and Management Positions.

Nervous!! How is everyone else feeling?

Hey everyone! I'm going to apply for Sept 2018 intake and am hurriedly doing the HAP prereq through TRU-OL. I've been reading through tons of old threads from previous applicants and am getting really nervous about my qualifications.

My prerequisite GPA is currently 4.25, but my cumulative is only 3.36... so am kind of concerned about that. Pressure is on to do really well in the HAP courses and bring up my cumulative a teeny bit, but fortunately I have already studied and passed a TON of A&P since I have been an RMT for 3.5 years. I don't have any volunteer experience except as an RMT - have worked as a student at BC Women's high-risk pregnancy ward, George Pearson hospital, and at multiple sclerosis in-reach, as well as sports events after I graduated. And will include my everyday clinical practice, of course. Wondering if this will be enough? Is it too one-dimensional? Should I quickly pick up some hospital volunteer work before it's too late??

Also, does anyone know if we get to pick exactly which courses we get to submit as our general education electives? I have 60 credits, but some of the grades are definitely sub-par, so if they picked certain courses I'd be out for sure lol.

Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Girl, you are so going to get in. Don't even worry about volunteering your work experience and good gap will get you in I am confident about that

I applied for the April 2018 intake with a 3.46 GPA for the program prereq. Im not sure what my CGPA is, but i believe it falls between 3.0-3.5. I also am a Healthcare Assistant 2015 graduate from VCC and have been working as a Care Aide in unionized Senior facilities and Community settings.

Ive done Pathophysiology and Microbiology courses at Douglas college with a B and A, but I doubt that both courses are transferable to BCIT's nursing curriculum since I dont see it on the BC transfer guide website. Does anybody know if the courses are transferable to BCIT's BSN program?

Im so worried about my application since i believe it isnt as strong as what you guys have! its my second time applying to a nursing school, so im starting to go crazy about not getting in (I applied to langara's fall 2017 but nope LOL). ive even applied to Douglas College's BS psychiatric nursing program for January 2018 so im like,trying so hard to get into a nursing school rn. LOL

Microbiology, I think is. Pathophysiology most likely will not be. The patho at BCIT is extremely nursing specific and also specific to the nursing program. I'm sure you can email the advisor and ask though.

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