Barry CRNA Starting 2018

Nursing Students SRNA


Hello all! I just thought I would start a thread for those of us applying. I have started my application and I am working on my personal statement now. How are you all doing?

I have taken the GRE and passed my CCRN. I still need to get my PALS. I also need to ask for my letters of recommendation and send in my school transcripts & GRE scores. I'm going to try to apply for the Tampa campus.

When do the fall head start classes usually begin ? In August or September?

Thanks! No additional fees though? Aside from the books I mean. And is it online?

No other fees that I remember. And it started in August for me. It is all online. Dr. Dick will have live lectures for the chemistry portion. They are recorded, but you are highly encouraged to "attend" while it is live. Then you will have 4 tests, which will make up your entire grade. The tests are all open book/open note/open google (haha). I have a couple of complete review sheets for each test that i made/were given to me by seniors that I would be willing to share.

Professional aspects is taught by a new professor, not the same one I took it from. From what I hear from those that took it from her during the spring semester (the ones that didn't take the head start program) she makes it pretty difficult and she can be very picky about your essays. You will also have to attend a FANA meeting. (or whatever ANA meeting is available in your area). The professor I took it from left the university, and he didn't care at all about anything before he left, so it was an easy A for me.

I did not take the research class, so I can't speak to that. I am taking it this summer.

New to this thread, but I got an interview on May 26th! I'm excited to get down there and interview. Hoping for the best obviously.

Congrats on the interview!

No other fees that I remember. And it started in August for me. It is all online. Dr. Dick will have live lectures for the chemistry portion. They are recorded, but you are highly encouraged to "attend" while it is live. Then you will have 4 tests, which will make up your entire grade. The tests are all open book/open note/open google (haha). I have a couple of complete review sheets for each test that i made/were given to me by seniors that I would be willing to share.

Professional aspects is taught by a new professor, not the same one I took it from. From what I hear from those that took it from her during the spring semester (the ones that didn't take the head start program) she makes it pretty difficult and she can be very picky about your essays. You will also have to attend a FANA meeting. (or whatever ANA meeting is available in your area). The professor I took it from left the university, and he didn't care at all about anything before he left, so it was an easy A for me.

I did not take the research class, so I can't speak to that. I am taking it this summer.

Thank you very much for the info!

Hey all,

My application is complete and under review now. No word on an interview yet...but I was thinking way ahead and wondering if I am accepted into the program then do I have to have the chemistry class completed prior to taking the head start classes? I've been hesitating spending the money for the chem class in case I end up not getting into the program. Anybody know?

If your last chem class is older than 5 years, I believe that they will make you retake a chem course...Barry offers one that you can take, but I don't think that the one that is actually part of the program would count, you would need to take the introductory course, or some other course offered by a different university...Follow up with Barry on that one though...

I would say that if you are really wanting to get into a CRNA program anywhere, that many would have the same 5 year requirement, and that it would not be a waste of your money to go ahead and get it done. There may be programs that don't have a time limit, or don't require it, but you will probably get man handled if you don't have recent chemistry experience...That's just my two cents.

Who here is taking the research class this summer?

Anyone heard for an interview? Still patiently waiting :l

There are some folks on this thread that have already been contact for a May 26 interview.

I took professional aspects this past spring. You will get an A but the professor is very frustrating. She doesn't know how to communicate without making you feel like a burden to her or an idiot; she doesn't know how to work canvas; she will change assignment instructions at the last minute (minor changes but changes none the less) and she will tear your paper apart (you will still get an A, she wants APA but she seems to have a different version in her head). I didn't do head start, first semester is very doable but a lot of work. A lot of us had more anxiety with professional class at times compared to the other classes that are pretty tough and more important. Again you will get an A but will go a little bald dealing with the instructor.

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